NATO warns of Chinese regime’s “expansion of nuclear arsenal”, calls for arms control dialogue


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Photo: REUTERS)
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Photo: REUTERS)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) said on Monday his concern over the Chinese regime’s “expansion of the nuclear arsenal”, and called on Beijing to agree to an arms control dialogue.

China is not considered an adversary by NATO, but must “respect its international commitments and act responsibly in the international system”, manifested Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of the agency, during a videoconference interview with the head of Chinese diplomacy, Wang Yi.

Stoltenberg “expressed NATO’s concerns over China’s coercive policies, the expansion of its nuclear arsenal and the lack of transparency in its military modernizationThe Alliance said in a statement.

“The Secretary General stressed that transparency and reciprocal dialogue on arms control would be beneficial to both NATO and China.added text.

The Chinese regime has become a source of to worry for the allies.

“China’s stated ambitions and determined behavior represent systematic challenges to the rules-based international order and in areas important to the security of the Alliance,” he said in the statement adopted at the meeting. its last peak in June 2021.

NATO has called on the Chinese regime to honor its international commitments (Photo: AP)
NATO has called on the Chinese regime to honor its international commitments (Photo: AP)

Corn “China is not our adversary or our enemy”noted Stoltenberg.

From then on, the Norwegian diplomat gave “welcoming the ever-expanding dialogue between NATO and China“And highlighted”the potential for greater involvement in common challenges, such as climate change”.

At the last NATO leaders’ summit, held in June, the allies turned their attention to the Chinese regime and, in the final communiqué, said they saw opportunities for engagement with Beijing on issues such as arms control or climate change, but They warned that their growing influence and international policies pose security challenges for the Alliance which they have agreed to tackle together.

The weekend the newspaper South China Morning Post warned that Xi Jinping’s regime working on the development of a hypersonic weapon “Capable of blasting telecommunications systems in 10 seconds.”

Defeat an army without fighting and without losses? It is entirely possible, if a new type of hypersonic weapon proposed by a team of Chinese rocket scientists becomes a reality. “, alerted the newspaper on the cover this Sunday.

Designed to generate an intense electromagnetic pulse capable of annihilating communication and power supply lines, it reveals that the weapon would have a range of 3,000 km, roughly the distance between the east coast of China and Guam. “By flying at six times the speed of sound, it would cover that distance in 25 minutes,” he warns.

NATO has clarified that it does not view China as an adversary or an enemy (Photo: REUTERS)
NATO has clarified that it does not view China as an adversary or an enemy (Photo: REUTERS)

Unlike ballistic missiles, it would remain in Earth’s atmosphere to bypass space-based early warning systems.while using active stealth technology to avoid detection by ground-based radar, according to the team of researchers at the Chinese Academy of Launcher Technology in Beijing.

For its part, the situation in Afghanistan was also mentioned by NATO. The Alliance Secretary General insisted on the need to plead “so that the country no longer serves as a platform for terrorists”.

In this direction, He called for international coordination, including with countries in the region, “so that the Taliban are held accountable for their commitments in the fight against terrorism and respect for human rights, in particular those of women”.

The former Prime Minister of Norway He recalled that no terrorist attack against Allied States has been organized from the Asian country since 2001.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

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