How early retirement at 55 was implemented by Néstor Kirchner


The project emulates the Anticipated Unemployment Benefit (PAD) which governed between 2005 and 2007 during the government of Nestor kirchner and enabled 54,000 unemployed people to take early retirement.

What was the PAD?

The requirements to access the PAD were similar to those analyzed by the national government at the time:

  • Men are 60 years old and women 55 years old
  • Have 30 years of contributions to one or more pension plans
  • Be unemployed
  • For the plans which required a number of years of contribution lower than that corresponding to the general plan of Law 24 241, the requirement of 30 years of service was considered to be fulfilled, if the minimum duration corresponding to these plans was proven, or the pro between them, according to the actual time planned in each.
  • It was not compatible with other benefits and did not generate an annuity in the event of the beneficiary’s death.

The benefit was equivalent to 50% of the pension which would have corresponded to the retiree and could in no case be less than a minimum pension, so that the beneficiaries received at least a minimum pension.

This regime was in effect for two years from the enactment of Law 25994, which, after its validity, could be extended. However, the benefit was not prolonged over time.

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