It is the device that functions as a “smart taster” of medical cannabis.


The device is the size of a coffee maker and weighs less than 2 kilos
The device is the size of a coffee maker and weighs less than 2 kilos

An Israeli biotech company has launched a device that analyzes, with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (machine learning), cannabis plants for medicinal use. It is GemmaCert, a capsule in which are introduced dried flowers (called buds), crushed flowers, biomass, hashish and, for now, ethanol-based extracts (one of the components extracted from medicinal plants and used to produce). East intended for medicinal cannabis producers, so that they can quickly test the raw material.

Thanks to a large database, you can test your percentage of THC, CBD, CBG and AW, that is, the components of the plant. And each extract has a different function depending on the strain used. The device has the size of a coffee maker and weighs less than 2 kilos.

Gastón Chait, CEO of Cultibaires and representative of GemmaCert in Argentina, said Infobae that this machine marks a “new era of production”. He points out that it is the first device that allows you to test the cannabis flower without altering it (remains intact), before making the oil.

The device can measure, for example, the concentration of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which produces a psychotropic effect (at different levels) and of CBD (cannabidiol), which does not, and is used to treat many diseases.

A dried cannabis flower must be introduced into the GemmaCert device and in about a minute it emits the evaluation of its components.
A dried cannabis flower must be introduced into the GemmaCert device and in about a minute it emits the evaluation of its components.

In November of last year, in Argentina, the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) announced the approval of the first cannabis product to hit the market. It contains CBD and is aimed at patients with refractory epilepsy treatment, focused on children, from the Alef Medical Argentina laboratory.

Chait points out that in Argentina there are many cannabis producers who work “in silence”, because there is no law for the activity today. According to him, there are today between 8 and 10 state-owned companies that cultivate medical cannabis with permits.

How it works

The device works with a motor that turns the flower, which can obtain 24 strokes for each sample. AI algorithms perform calculations to compare them with a coded database of over 300,000 tests. In 1 minute you can get results and the Israeli company points out that it has the “largest cannabis database in the world”.

The Israeli device that works "clever scavenger" medicinal cannabis
The Israeli device that functions as a “smart taster” of medicinal cannabis

This is, they point out, their biggest difference. Likewise, it learns (through machine learning) of each cannabis flower introduced into the device, which allows this database to be extended. The machine connects via Bluetooth to any Android device connected to the Internet with 4G or Wifi, via the GemmaCert application downloaded from Google Play. The analyzer comes with a control panel which is operated from the PC where all results are viewed.

As they point out, until now, laboratories could analyze cannabis with High cost precision gas or liquid HPLC machines because they use solvents and the solvents destroy the sample (The destroyed sample cannot be reused). This device is designed for professional cannabis testing, reducing sample preparation time, testing and logistics costs.

The company is an Israeli biotechnology company specializing in professional cannabis testing. It was founded in 2015 in collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a cannabis research center since the decade of 1960. The device is valued at $ 4,500 (the Lite version) and $ 9,350 (the full version).


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