The severity of the coronavirus may depend on the levels of a protein


Scientists have detected that the levels of CD47, a protein associated with others among cell membranes, are elevated in cells infected with SARS-CoV-2
Scientists have detected that the levels of CD47, a protein associated with others among cell membranes, are elevated in cells infected with SARS-CoV-2

Most SARS-CoV-2 infections are mild or even asymptomatic. However, a small fraction of those infected develop life-threatening severity, caused by an uncontrolled immune response leading to hyperinflammation.. However, the factors predisposing to serious illness remain poorly understood.

Researchers from the School of Biosciences at the University of Kent, UK and the Institute for Medical Virology at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany published a recent study in the journal Molecular biology. In research, they show that CD47 levels, a protein associated with others between cell membranes, they are rich in cells infected with SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, infection with SARS-CoV-2 increases the levels of a protein binding partner. CD4. In this way, known risk factors, such as advanced age and diabetes, are associated with increased CD47 levels.

This protein, Scientists say it sends “don’t eat me” signal to human immune system. It may therefore be responsible for people with more severe cases of COVID-19. Researchers at the University of Kent have found that Higher levels of this protein on the surface of infected cells can prevent the immune system from doing its job. The new findings reveal that the CD47 protein may play an important role in these deaths.

“The discovery of proteins is a ‘big step’ in overcoming COVID,” said Katie-May McLaughlin, lead author of the study, adding: “CD47 sends a signal that prevents the immune system’s defenses from accidentally destroying healthy cells”.

“CD47 sends a signal that prevents the immune system’s defenses from accidentally destroying healthy cells,” the study found.

However, specialists have detected in their research that when SARS-CoV-2 infects human cells, it triggers an unexpected abundant development of more CD47 proteins on the cell surface. In their analysis, the team of more than a dozen scientists concluded in their paper that “this is likely to prevent the immune system from recognizing infected cells as a threat.” Therefore, if the immune system does not attack these cells, the virus can continue to replicate and cause more severe symptoms.

The authors of the published document also noted that “Specific risk factors for serious COVID-19 infections, such as age and pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, also show a link with higher CD47 protein levels. High CD47 levels also contribute to high blood pressure, another risk factor for serious complications from COVID.

The researchers note that therapies targeting CD47 are already in development. Their results can help improve their effectiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This has been an exciting step for us,” said Professor Martin Michaelis, another of the study’s authors. We may have identified a significant factor associated with severe COVID-19. This is a big step in the fight against the disease and we can now expect further advances in the design of therapies ”.

This additional information on the disease processes underlying COVID-19 may help us design better well as appreciate the importance of the breadth of research that is carried out. Through this path, we have achieved a breakthrough and illustrate that the fight against the disease continues, ”concluded Professor Jindrich Cinatl of Goethe University in Frankfurt.

The authors of the article noted that
The authors of the article noted that “specific risk factors for serious COVID-19 infections, such as age and pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, also show a link with higher levels of the CD47 protein. “(EFE)

Scientists are stepping up studies to discover the causes of the serious COVID-19 disease. Previous research has analyzed the relationship between blood groups and the severity of the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection and they came to surprising conclusions, although they made it clear that they are still provisional. For them, one of the reasons for the very different course of the disease may lie in the patient’s blood group. Scientists have studied the influence it can have in the cases of patients of particular gravity.

Researchers studied 1,610 patients with respiratory collapse due to COVID-19 in Italy and Spain. All presented a very serious image. Some did not survive. Scientists analyzed the DNA material of patients at certain points, where variations often occur. The discovered genetic characteristics were compared to blood samples from 2,250 healthy people.

In a first result, the researchers discovered that people with blood type A appear to be at particularly high risk of severe disease. In Germany, for example, 43% of the population has this blood type. In this segment, the risk of needing oxygen or mechanical breathing in the event of COVID-19 disease could double that of people in the “0” group, according to experts.


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