Kilauea, Hawaii’s most active volcano has erupted | Lava flows on the American island


The Kilauea volcano, located on the American island of Hawaii, exploded this Wednesday, the Volcanological Observatory of this state therefore raised the level of alert even red. The day before, specialists had warned of an increase in seismic activity in the area of ​​the eruption.

From what can be seen in the images, several cracks formed at the base of the crater, generating lava flows on the surface of the lava lake.

“The increase in seismic activity and changes in soil deformation patterns at the summit of Kilauea began to occur around noon on September 29, indicating a movement of magma in the subsoilThe Hawaii Volcano Observatory said in a statement.

According to the agency, the volcano eruption occurred in Hawaii’s Volcanoes National Park, so volcanic gases pose the greatest risk. For the moment, there is no danger for the citizens, assured the experts, although yes warned against “Pelé’s hair”, which are strands of basaltic glass that could travel great distances due to the eruption of Kilauea.

The day before the eruption, the observatory had already detected changes in the volcano. “Right after midnight we started to have an increase in seismic activity and seismic swarms.”said David Phillips, deputy scientist in charge of the agency, who has warned that the eruption, as can happen on La Palma, can last for months.

Kilauea is one of the most active craters in the world: it is estimated that over the last century it has erupted about 50 times. Between 1983 and 2018 it remained in constant volcanic activity and in December of last year, after two years of inactivity, it again erupted and threw 10 million cubic meters of lava in an episode that lasted until May.


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