“Why do women retire five years earlier?” : the question of Germán Martitegui which sparked controversy in the networks


German Martitegui he won the affection of the public as one of the most demanding juries of MasterChef Celebrity. However, this Thursday, he was embroiled in a controversy after asking his supporters a question about the retirement law.

“Why do women retire five years earlier than men? Somebody knows?”, the chef consulted on the social network of the bird.

Hundreds of users immediately joined the discussion. “It compensates for millions of women raising their children on their own, managing the family economy and also looking after the house, thus generating huge savings for the capitalists (who, after motherhood, will find it difficult to return to work. ) and the States “, replied one Internet user.

Germán Martitegui sparked the debate on Twitter.  (Photo: Capture)
Germán Martitegui sparked the debate on Twitter. (Photo: Capture)

Then the jury that is the father of Lautaro and Lorenzo, children he had from a belly surrogacy in the United States, he asked if a man raising his children alone were to retire earlier.

Germán Martitegui debated with his followers on Twitter.  (Photo: Capture)
Germán Martitegui debated with his followers on Twitter. (Photo: Capture)

María Florencia Freijo took the job and opened a thread for her argument: “There is a structural inequality in women’s access to the labor market, given the domestic tasks that are culturally our responsibility.” “Yes, you are an exception to the rule and on the issue of single parenthood, many public policies need to be developed.He admitted of his case.

After stating that the prejudice that there are comforts and privileges for women must be ended, Freijo shared an article by a lawyer that explains everything in detail and said, “Even with fewer years contributing. , and because of the pay gap, those 5 years they give us, it’s a joke ”.

However, there was no shortage of aggressive posts from those who called him a “caveman” or generated “shit talk …” and recommended that he Googling. But he did not back down and reaffirmed: “I am far from being a cave man. And I can ask myself questions. We are ready for many things and for this question too ”.

Germán Martitegui announced the closure of his restaurant: what will be the new project

A week ago, the chef announced that Tegui, his legendary restaurant, would close in 30 days. “The Tegui that we all know and love in Palermo bids farewell,” the chef said in a statement posted on social media where he clarified that during this remaining time they will honor the 13 years of experience.

Lorenzo and Lautaro, the children of Germán Martitegui (Photo: Capture)
Lorenzo and Lautaro, the children of Germán Martitegui (Photo: Capture)

Then he clarified that this decision had nothing to do with the pandemic or the quarantine, but with a personal problem. Many have speculated on what his next challenge would be, but he mischievously revealed it himself. “It looks like you have a new project … the new project”she wrote, sharing a photo of her children.


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