They estimate WHO will approve Sputnik “in a month or two” – News


Laboratorios Richmond president Marcelo Figueiras assured on Friday that it was “imminent” for the World Health Organization (WHO) to approve the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine for emergency use and noted that “neither the safety nor the effectiveness” of the inoculant.

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“According to the information we have, it is imminent that it will be approved in one or two months at the most”, Figueiras said in statements this morning at Radio 10.

“They work and that’s what they tell us, now we have to wait for it to be like that,” added the president of Richmond, producer of Sputnik V in Argentina.

Regarding the reasons why the WHO has still not included the Russian vaccine in its emergency use list, the president of Laboratorios Richmond clarified that “there is an administrative problem, like Drs Fernán Quirós and Carlos Regazzoni, referents of the opposition, who clearly expressed this position.

In this regard, he added: “These are questions of information, of preparation of reports which may be different from one country to another, and they adapt”.

“Of course, neither safety nor effectiveness is at stake, it has already been tested on hundreds of millions of people,” however, Figueiras said. stressed that the inoculant of Russian origin is “such a good, effective and safe vaccine that they provide it to almost half of the world”.

On the other hand, Figueiras celebrated that at the Richmond Laboratories, they reached “10 million doses already very close and nearly 5 million delivered” of Sputnik V.

“Between yesterday and today, 1,600,000 doses of component 2 of the vaccine have been delivered and we continue to work with all our staff and scientists,” he explained and stressed that Argentina has “a very good scientific basis and also in the field of clinical research, not only because of a problem of cost as one could say, but also because of the capacity of our doctors. “

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Regarding the future of the production of Sputnik V in the country, the businessman assured that “it will depend on what will be necessary” and confirmed that the pharmaceutical company “make the registration of the fund to make it permanent “.

“Today the approval depends exclusively on the contract that the (Argentine) government has with the Russian government and depends on the request; this will vary depending on the vaccination plan,” he said.

In this sense, he noted: “We are already able to manufacture between 5 and 10 million vaccines per month if necessary, always depending on the arrival of the component.

“Until we ferment here, we’ll depend on what component they send us from Russia,” he said.

In this sense, he indicated that they estimate to be able to produce the active component in the country when the new production plant is completed and stressed that “in a year” they will “be able to start manufacturing on an industrial scale for the world”.


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