What are the chances of a person living to be 130 years old


Jeanne Calment he was the oldest person in history. He died at 122 years and 164 days in 1977. This situation has led several researchers to analyze the subject in an exhaustive manner.

Leading specialists have studied the life expectancy of more than 3,800 Italian “semisupercentenarios”, people who came to life at the age of 105 and live in Italy. In addition, they added to the analysis more than 9,800 people having reached the same age in France.

According to research, over 110 years old, and even though people have a positive genetic predisposition and poor health, there is a 50% chance of staying alive.

Jeanne Calment was the oldest person in the world: she died at 122 years and 164 days in 1997 (Photo: Adobe Stock)
Jeanne Calment was the oldest person in the world: she died at 122 years and 164 days in 1997 (Photo: Adobe Stock)

Although the arrival of Covid-19 has led to serious complications, life expectancy continues to increase over time. In addition, advances in health and lifestyle have a lot to do with it.

These situations have led the authors to consider that someone it could be 130 years old this century.

Leo Belzile, a statistical researcher who led the study for the HEC Montreal Business School, said: “As the world’s population continues to increase, there are more people reaching 100 and over reaching 110. The more people launch a currency, with a 50% chance of surviving each year after turning 110, we can expect more than someone to have a streak of luck and turn 130 ”.

The research, published later in the journal Royal Society Open Science, sought to determine if there is an upper limit to human life. But the French and the Italians did not find this limit.

From the age of 108, specialists detected that the chances of dying began to stabilize until they reached half. If a person reaches the age of 108 alive, they have the same chance of surviving the following year.

If there is no age limit such as 130 years old, theoretically, there would be a good chance that people would live for several more decadesEven if this is unlikely, since the 108-year-olds can only live an average of one year and three months longer.

“People are fascinated by the idea of ​​living forever, but unfortunately very few reach this old age”Dr Belzile commented, ruling out virtually all chances.


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