They went to arrest a pedophile and found a collection of a thousand Nazi objects worth over $ 3 million


A Nazi document at the home of a suspected pedophile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in this photograph released on October 6, 2021. The document is named after, Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares, the suspect of raping a minor in that city Brazilian (Reuters)
A Nazi document in the home of a suspected pedophile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in this photograph released on October 6, 2021. The document is named after, Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares, the suspect of raping a minor in this Brazilian city (Reuters)

Police Rio de Janeiro said on Wednesday that he found a booty of Nazi souvenirs and weapons for an estimated value of more than 3 million dollars in the house of a Brazilian suspected of raping a minor. Civilian police said they found more than 1,000 objects at the home of the 58-year-old suspect, including Nazi uniforms, publications, paintings, badges, images of Adolf Hitler, flags and medals of the Third Reich. They also found weapons and ammunition from the time.

The loot was discovered after police came to the man’s home to execute an arrest warrant on suspicion of raping a minor and abusing other children at his condo west of town. The suspect was also charged with illegal possession of a weapon and racial discrimination..

He’s a smart, articulate guy, but he denies the Holocaust, is homophobic, pedophile, and says he hunts gays“, said to Reuters Luis Armond, the lead detective on the case. “I’m not a doctor, but he looks like a psychopath to me”.

Nazi clothes at the home of a suspected pedophile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in this photo released on October 6, 2021 (Reuters)
Nazi clothes at the home of a suspected pedophile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in this photo released on October 6, 2021 (Reuters)

Armond said the suspect was from a wealthy investor family and he had probably used his inheritance to build the collection. Armond felt that a High-ranking Nazi uniform would cost around 250,000 euros. Police are investigating the suspect’s ties to the Nazis and other far-right groups and trying to determine if he was active in the market for these items.

Armond He said it would be necessary to find a place for the collection, given the number of objects found. “This is something totally unusual and shocking.“, he stressed. Among the objects found, there was also a document with dates after the completion of the Second World War, with address in Rio de Janeiro. The eye-catching notebook bears the name and photograph of the 58-year-old suspect, identified as Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares.

Image released by Rio de Janeiro Civil Police that shows Nazi uniforms, photos, flags and documents found inside the home of a man suspected of raping a 12-year-old girl in the neighborhood of Vargem Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (AFP)
Image released by Rio de Janeiro Civil Police that shows Nazi uniforms, photos, flags and documents found inside the home of a man suspected of raping a 12-year-old girl in the neighborhood of Vargem Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (AFP)
Rio de Janeiro Civilian Police show Nazi uniforms and photos found in the home of a pedophile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  (Reuters)
Rio de Janeiro Civilian Police show Nazi uniforms and photos found in the home of a pedophile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Reuters)
The collection of suspected pedophile Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares is worth more than $ 3 million, according to calculations by researchers (AFP)
The collection of suspected pedophile Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares is worth more than $ 3 million, according to calculations by researchers (AFP)

The arrest of Doyle linhares It came on Tuesday after a couple of neighbors from his residence in western Rio denounced him for abusing their 12-year-old daughter. At the suspect’s home, a “monstrous material“Nazi reference, defined the delegate. Badges, documents, uniforms, flags and even a Nazi party membership card with his photo, he listed. Images released by the police show that among the hundreds of Nazi reference objects are several framed photos and busts of Adolf Hitler..

They were also found daggers, daggers and a total of nine guns, including a rifle and machine gun, in addition to a large number of ammunition.

Doyle linhares “He was charged in flagrante delicto with illegal possession of weapons, racism and pedophilia,” after the discovery which included photos of minors, Armond said. The detainee said to the police that his collection “between 2.5 and 3 million euros (between 2.9 and 3.5 million dollars), although this is unverifiableAdded the delegate.

Police obtained an arrest and search warrant after an investigation found Linhares also attempted to abuse at least two other minors, Armond said.

(With information from Reuters and AFP) .-


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