Austria: Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigns | The prosecution is investigating him for corruption in the financing of his campaign


Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced his resignation amid political crisis over corruption allegations by funding his first campaign to reach the head of government. The Austrian prosecution has opened an investigation into Kurz, who will now lead the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) in parliament. While the Conservatives proposed the current Foreign Minister, Alexander Schallenberg, as successor. Opposition parties had planned to table a confidence motion against Kurz by next Tuesday. While the Greens, who make up the ruling coalition with the ÖVP, stressed that it would be impractical to continue working with Kurz in the executive.


The Austrian Chancellor, the youngest her country has ever had, leaves for the second time the head of the European country after the scandals which began in midweek and which continued on Friday with the opening of an investigation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office for an alleged crime of corruption. Then the Greens released his hand. “Our coalition partner has decided to take a clear stand against me.”Kurz, 35, explained himself at a televised press conference, during which he also assured that the Greens put him “in a dead end”.

This week he is singled out for using public funds to pay for favorable media coverage. The search of the headquarters of his ÖVP party was ordered on Wednesday and several of the Chancellery offices over which he presides. In his message to the country, Kurz said he had tried to stay in power because “the pandemic is not yet over, the economic crisis is just beginning and a drift into chaos for months would be irresponsible.”

But this Saturday, Kurz announced that he would submit his resignation “by putting the interests of the country” before his own. Despite the chancellor’s retreat, he will remain in the political orbit at the head of the ÖVP.

“I want to cede space to avoid chaos and guarantee stability. I have appointed the Federal President (Alexander Van der Bellen) to Alexander Schallenberg as the new Federal Chancellor.”he added. Schallenberg, the current foreign minister, will replace Kurz until it is determined whether he manages to form a new majority in parliament and appoint a new government or whether the European country should return to the polls.

Kurz and the polls

Austria’s prosecutor’s office will investigate inquiries the finance ministry allegedly commissioned in which Kurz and the People’s Party were favored, which also appeared in a media group in the country. According to the accusations, the finance portfolio embezzled money for the polls which were then published in an allied media group and with advertising cooperation of over 1.1 million euros.

As vice-chancellor and head of Los Verdes, Werner Kogler, had already publicly questioned Kurz’s ability to remain as head of government and was in favor of the chancellor’s resignation. “This is the right step for a future responsible government management of Austria and the country’s image abroad,” he said, adding that he would hold a meeting with Schallenberg. After the break with the OVP, the Greens have already started conversations with the opposition parties to think of a way out of the current government. While the Social Democratic Party (SPO), the liberals of La Nueva Austria and Foro Liberal (NEOS) and the far right (FPO) presented a motion of confidence in Parliament, it would be debated next Tuesday.


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