"There are warning signs of stroke" | HOLY CROSS


8 hours ago

Sudden deaths are surprising, especially in the case of athletes who have not pbaded the age of 30, as was the case in August 2017, when the Dutch footballer did not go to school. Ajax, Abdelhak Nouri, 20, died on the ground. The cause, serious brain damage.
Recognition The first signs that something is wrong in the circulation of our brain and a timely medical study, help prevent this type of stroke or also known as cerebral infarction. The duty spoke with an expert on the subject.
What type of patients is likely to have a stroke?
Overweight people who have a sedentary lifestyle, diabetics, hypertensives, the elderly and smokers are at risk for cerebrovascular disease.
These diseases can be divided into two groups: ischemic stroke, which is a section of the brain that lacks blood because an artery is covered by a blood clot and is commonly referred to as embolism.
The other type is the rupture of an artery, where the blood invades the brain and is known as stroke.
Both are at risk, both death or the person survives with serious sequelae, but embolism is more common.
How can we prevent it and how does the patient realize that he is suffering from a stroke?
There is no way to predict that the disease will arrive in a while, but there are ways to prevent and take care I've mentioned, how to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, people who are diabetic should control blood sugar, smokers should stop smoking, those who are hypertensive should be checked regularly, these are the means to prevent.
Are there signs that the person is about to suffer from cerebrovascular disease?
A good percentage of patients who suffer from embolism a few weeks ago, suffered a transient ischemic attack commonly known as pre-embolism.
This person had a bit of a tongue when talking or his arm or leg was numb or his vision was blurred for a few seconds and then he recovered, these are the symptoms that he has. we do not give the desired importance, but we are warned that something is happening in the cerebral circulation. Many people who have suffered a cerebral infarction have already had these warnings, but the patient could not identify or did not give the desired importance. In the case of a stroke, there is a rupture of an artery, there are no symptoms, but there are some patients who have permanent headaches.
Although there is no specific symptom in the aneurysm, many patients suffer from headaches, but the only time you can find out if you have an aneurysm, c & rsquo; Is when a specific study is done. It is better to detect the disease before the ruptured cerebral artery and bleeding occurs.
What kind of study should be done?
It is called angiotomography, is a less invasive study that detects the problem of the arteries of the brain. The Incor Clinic has a multi slice angiogram of 64 slices and is of excellent quality to do this study. That is to say, in one shot several shots are made, the studies are sharper and faster and they are done in a few seconds.
Digital angiography is a flat panel with three-dimensional reconstruction, where endovascular diagnoses and surgeries are done and the catheterization is performed. The study involves doing a catheterization in the groin and it reaches the arteries of the neck that carry blood to the brain, once there, the contrast is injected directly into the arteries that will be studied. The angiograph takes the pictures and allows to see the arteries inside and out.
How much do studies cost with this equipment?
It depends on what is going to be treated because it is not the same thing to do an endovascular study without needing to open the head, but it 's made of l'. groin to reach the cerebral circulation, the surgery is done inside the brain, but without touching the patient's head. If the surgery consists of a small or large aneurysm, if the treatment of an artery is covered, there is a lot of variability in each case and the treatment and materials are different.
The study takes 30 minutes to badyze the arteries and the bloodstream, but since there is a puncture in the groin, the patient has to stay a few hours to protect it and avoid a bruise.
How many cases have been made with this digital equipment?
Since 2011, we have pbaded the 700 cases, both in cerebral catheterization studies, diagnostic, endovascular surgery and cerebral aneurysmal solutions, without open surgery, but from the groin
What is the average age to suffer from a stroke?
It depends a lot on what we are talking about. For example, ischemic stroke (embolism) usually occurs in people over 55-60 years old, where diseases have already developed in the arteries that carry blood to the brain. This can also happen in young people, but the risk of having an embolism will surely be due to a heart problem.
In our environment is very common Chagas and that makes the heart grow, it can not properly and the stagnant blood causes clots to form in the arteries and at some point that has an impact on the brain. The case of arteriosclerosis, which is when the arteries are covered with fat, is more common in older adults, while bleeding is more common in young people and more common in women. The average age for suffering a hemorrhage is between 40 and 60 years old.
When a person is suffering from a brain disease, does she recover completely?
When he has suffered from pre-embolism, the patient recovers completely, but he is likely to suffer from another or to have a definite embolism in two weeks, that is why he is important to detect transient ischemic attack. When an artery is blocked in a teenager or child, it may be due to a heart defect or an accident or stroke in the arteries. The symptoms are the same.
How to help a person who has had a stroke?
When a patient has difficulty speaking or has been numb by an arm or a leg, he must go to the emergency room urgently to make the necessary studies, to see that what happens with the heart, with the arteries that pbad to the brain and with cholesterol, because it has already had the warning and is in time to resolve what could affect the brain.

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