He hunted a black giraffe, uploaded the photos and won the repudiation of all


The photos of Tess Thompson Valley and a dead black giraffe in South Africa date back a year, but in recent days, a local media in Africa has aired them to denounce his attitude after the woman defined hunting of the animal as "dreamed".

The hunter, originally from Kentucky, published the images that show her next to a black South African giraffe without life and wrote: "Prayers for my dream quest, unique in life, s & rsquo; It was done today! I was looking for a long time, I knew that I was elected, I was over 18 years old, 4000 pounds and I had the lucky to be able to get 2000 pounds of meat from her, "said Valley.

Given this, from mid-Africa Digest they shared controversial photos and repudiated their actions." The American white savage who is in part Neanderthal comes to Africa and kills a very rare black giraffe, thanks to the stupidity of South Africa.

She's calling Tess Thompson Talley, please, "they posted on Twitter

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