The IACHR appoints 4 experts to investigate the Ortega massacre


They will determine the truth and what were the material and intellectual authors

The IACHR appoints 4 experts to investigate the mbadacre of Ortega

  Report IACHR Nicaragua

A former Guatemalan prosecutor suing Ríos Montt for genocide and Argentine prosecutor for crimes against humanity of dictatorship

Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Paulo Abrao, has unveiled Monday the names of those who will form the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI)), one day before its installation in Nicaragua to "help and support" investigations into crimes perpetrated during the civil rebellion against the government of Daniel Ortega. These are four high-level technical professionals in the field of human rights, criminal investigations and the fight against corruption, who have participated in many cases in Latin America, such as missing persons. Ayotzinapa, Mexico; as well as in Guatemala, Peru and Argentina.

These are Amerigo Incalcaterra, originally from Italy; Claudia Paz y Paz from Guatemala; Pablo Parenti, from Argentina, and Sofia Macher from Peru.

We announce the 4 experts selected by the @CIDH for the #GIEI who coadjuvará the investigation of the acts of violence in #Nicaragua : Amerigo Incalcaterra (Italy), Claudia Paz and Paz (Guatemala), Pablo Parenti (Argentina) and Sofia Macher (Peru) (1) [19659009] – Paulo Abrāo (@PauloAbrao) 2 July 2018

He sued Ríos Montt for genocide

Claudia Paz y Paz was a judge for 18 years and a prosecutor in Guatemala between 2010 and 2014. He is a recognized person in Central America by working more than two decades in strengthening justice in his country. Guatemalan sources have described Paz as "the best prosecutor that any Latin American country could have".

In his work as a Guatemalan prosecutor, Paz captured five of the ten most wanted criminals in Guatemala, brought General Efraín Ríos to justice in Montt accused of genocide, and resolved ten times more cases of violence against women than any other administration, and arrested more drug traffickers in six months than its predecessors in 10 years.

In the extensive program of Paz, Doctor of Criminal Law and Human Rights by the University of Salamanca, highlights his role in the group of experts who worked on the case of Ayotzinapa, who unveiled the lies about the forced disappearance of the 43 students of the normal Guerrero, as well as the murder and torture of six other young people.

The work of the IACHR's panel of experts for Ayotzinapa denied, one by one, the lies of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto, including the inaction and omission of Mexican Federal Police and the Aztec Army. Dr. Paz has been working for six months in Mexico, a period similar to that which GIEI will work in Nicaragua.

"These are people of high technical level and recognized track record in the protection of human rights.The members of the IGIE were selected by the IACHR and appointed by the Secretary General of the OEA, "said Abrao in a statement. "GIEI members arrived in Managua on July 1 to begin their work."

Delegation of #MESENI of @CIDH begins his visit to the facilities of the Judiciary Assistance of the National Police, called El Chipote, in Managua, # Nicaragua

– Paulo Abrāo (@PauloAbrao) 2 July 2018

] A Deputy Commissioner of the CICIG

The other member of the GIEI is Amérigo Incalcaterra, who worked at the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN), an organization that is also in Nicaragua. He was also Deputy Commissioner of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), who discovered and dismantled the corruption regime of former Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, his Vice President Roxana Valdeti and a dense network of tax fraud.

Amerigo also participated in peacekeeping operations in Central America, was an adviser to the Department of Political Affairs and the UN Peacekeeping Department, advised the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. "He has held protection and program positions with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, Cuba and Angola," added his curriculum vitae.

Commissioner of Truth in Peru

Sofia Macher is a sociologist and was commissioned by two Truth Commissions in the Solomon Islands and Peru, her home country where she worked to clarify the crimes committed between 1980 and 2000 by groups Sendero Luminoso terrorists and the Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru (MRTA), and the fulminant military repression of the government of Alberto Fujimori

Macher presided over the Peruvian State Reparations Council, the body that wrote the Unique Register of Victims. It was a huge job that identified in Peru 182 thousand victims (direct and indirect) of this violent part of its recent history, of which 69 thousand corresponded to the dead and disappeared.

Crimes Against Humanity in Argentina

While Argentine Pablo Parenti, a lawyer by profession, is a federal prosecutor in Argentina and has worked for nearly 20 years in cases of crimes against humanity.

The GIEI for Nicaragua will have the faculty to technically badyze the lines of investigation and to make recommendations of actions concerning the different levels of legal responsibility.

Abrao also explained that the GIEI will be able to badyze whether in the survey all lines of research are exhausted properly, and whether the appropriate legal figures are used for the purpose of the study. supervision of the illicit and those responsible. And, if necessary, recommend the measures that must be implemented to ensure that these objectives are achieved.

"The Group will have guarantees of autonomy and independence, as well as access to investigation and security files to carry out its work," explained the IACHR

Six-month survey

The IACHR and the government of Ortega consider that the mandate of the GIEI will be six months and may be extended by agreement of the Parties. For the time being, the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (MESENI) served as the room for the installation of the GIEI. During the week that MESENI worked in Nicaragua, he pointed out that 18 people died violently in the context of the current crackdown and several injured people.

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