Facebook no longer limits its platforms to create applications | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


In order to better protect the information of its more than two billion users, Facebook announced a series of changes and closures of API (Application Programming Interface) , informs the site "TechCrunch". This is also a consequence of the confidentiality scandal of the Cambridge Analytica case.

The changes will directly affect several APIs for developers working with products to create social experiences on the site. Although it should be noted that some are restricted by their use few others because they require future revision.

Thus, the changes that start Facebook are:

  • Graph API Explorer App: From Monday, your test application is no longer useful. Developers will need access tokens from their own applications to test the graphical API explorer in the future.
  • Profile Expression Kit: used to decorate profile photos. It has been little used and will stop serving on October 1st.
  • API Media Solutions: It allowed the search for themes and APIs with low usage. He rejects the disapproval of the API Trending and Signal Tool for Journalists, the product Trending Topics and the Hashtag vote for interactive television experiences.
  • API Pages: It will be possible to search again with the Pages API, but an authorization will be required of functions for access to the public content of the page, and this is only obtained when From the review process of the application
  • Marketing API: developers will have to pbad an application review before they can use it.
  • Recovery: New permissions in the application review
  • Live video API: It will also require new permissions.

In the announcement of Facebook it was insinuated that these changes would not be the only ones. This while being auditing your applications ecosystem as part of a task to find other applications that may have leaked data like in the Cambridge Analytica case .

Previously, Facebook announced a series of other changes in their APIs to obtain better management of the way applications developed by third parties in Facebook can access and use people's information.

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