VIDEO: A child gives "power" to runners in the United States


In social networks circulates a video where we see a child motivating the runners of the Pittsburgh Marathon USA, by means of a sign which, touched, gave them "power".

In the video, you see the child holding a panel with the phrase "Tap Here To Power Up" written in Spanish translated colors 'play here in the light', next to one of the mythical 'honguitos' from the universe of Mario Bros, who gave height to the world's most loved plumber

Runners who pbaded near the boy were playing the poster to take the & # 39; power & # 39; 39; and continue with the race the 42 kilometers that take place each year.

This video has shifted users of social networks who have badociated the video game show with Mario Bros where mushrooms are also appearing that give the characters different powers to be victorious in their adventures. [19659005NewsContinueSaveDownloadToApply


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