Ant Man Returns: The Smallest Superhero Comedy is Encouraged


In 2002, the first appearance of Spider-Man in the prehistoric era of Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire wrote the prologue to what would become the prodigious of the next decade.
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

When no one has yet imagined what would be the magnitude of this unlimited network of stories, characters and ideas designed from a long-term model without Previous in all Hollywood history, a sentence Visualize your first (and main) idea strength. That of a "great power bears great responsibility" would become the lever that would move all this world.

Such an affirmation comes back to the memory and consciousness of millions of fans in each new movie of

and in all the crucial decisions that its protagonists must make. And at the same time it comes into play each time the architects of the MCU move the chips of its huge plateau.

At this point, after a decade of successful adventures in an increasingly complicated scenario, the responsibility of the powerful creative Marvel team is also reflected in the right choice of styles and genres. The crossing of the Avengers had become so dark that it was necessary to determine the most effective way to lighten it. The remedy is small and wide in the results:

Ant man
is back with another dose of comedy ideal to mitigate such severity.

Ant Man and The Wasp that Buena Vista inaugurates today in the Argentine cinemas with an exhibition at the height of the imminent winter break, n & # It's not just the reloaded side of the Marvel comedy. At the same time, it is another sign of the awareness that the study of the magnitude of the challenge facing this decisive section of its strategy, as well as the projection towards a new phase of his vast plan.

In 2015, with the arrival of Ant Man, Marvel definitely planted the comedy banner at the service of his goals. This profile has already been mentioned in some behaviors of the first great MCU character,
Iron Man supported by the profile of the actor chosen to interpret, the huge Robert Downey Jr.

But all these dawns acquired in recent years an identity more clear and visible thanks to other, much more explicit signals: from the characteristics of most of the characters
The Guardians of the Galaxy (and in particular his central figure, Chris Pratt's Star Lord, another great comic) to the way Thor and Hulk relate to each other.

Peyton Reed, a filmmaker with acclaim in comedy (
Living with my ex ,
Down love ) changed some initial mistrust when he was chosen by Marvel to lead the presentation of
Ant Man for the excellent results of his debut. For the first time in its entirety, the Marvel Universe has offered us from start to finish an action comedy, with a special commitment to the themes of the family and a leading actor (the big one).

Paul Rudd
) which fully identifies with this world.

As it was to imagine, the second adventure takes place in a much more complex and ambitious scenario. Their horizons have expanded and Marvel fans are revealed to interpret the keys to all the connections between what's happening with Ant Man and the rest of the Marvel Universe, especially after the events described in
Avengers: Civil War . The entry of Ant Man in this scenario is exposed in a brief and formidable post-generic scene that would be sacrilegious to reveal

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