This app saves the screen of your Android phone without your knowledge


Yesterday we shared with you the study of Northeastern University of Mbadachusetts where it was shown that your phone was not listening to you or sending audios to other servers without your consent, this after a reporter he mentioned that his phone listened, a situation that raised the interest of the University, and the concern for the privacy of many users.

Well, the result we already know, our phones do not listen to us, however, there are researchers who have mentioned that the study could improve because it is difficult to s & # 39; 39 ensure that this is the case with the amount of tests that have been performed.

Does your phone listen to you? Scientists spend a year getting the answer

However, university researchers have discovered something of interest, because one of the applications used for the study showed that & # 39; She was recording the phone screen without notifying the user.

GoPuff, an application to order food at home. The problem is that once we run the application, it starts to save the screen of our smartphone, in addition to sending this video to another domain, which is the one of ###. ### ### ################################################################### 39, a company badysis in the use of applications to enhance the experience called Appsee. 19659002]

According to the researchers, this application saves the screen even if the user does not give permission to do so, just as he sends the zip code of the user at Appsee. The disadvantage of this practice, it is that Appsee could see sensitive information displayed in the notifications, a situation that should not happen with any application.

This problem has already been reported to Google who studies the case, in addition to that with Android P this type of problems will end, because the system will notify you when an application wants to save the screen of your smartphone without your consent, or, when you want to activate the camera to spy on. 19659008] (function () {var position ID = 446873; function syncComment (mode, commentID, postID) {if (mode! == & add && 39; && mode! == & # 39; delete & # 39; 😉 {return;} if (commentID === undefined || commentID === null) {return;} if (postID === undefined || postID === null) {return;} var request = new XMLHttpRequest (); (& # 39; POST & # 39; / wp-admin / admin-ajax.php & # 39 ;, true); request.setRequestHeader (& # 39; Content-type & #,; & # 39; application; / x-www -form-urlencoded; & quot; request.addE windListener (& # 39; readystatechange & # 39 ;, function () {if (request.readyState === 4 ) {if (query.state! == 200) {console.error (& # 39; Facebook sync error & # 39;);}}}, false); var data = & # 39; action = unocero_facebook_comments_sync & # 39; ; data + = & # 39; & sync_mode = & # 39; + encoderURIComponent (mode); data + = & # 39; & sync_comment_id = + encodeURIComponent (commentID); data + = & # 39; & sync_post_id = + # EncodeURIComponent (postID); request.send (data }} window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: 323578308031338, xfbml: true, version: "v2.8"); FB.Event.subscribe ("comment.create", function (response) {syncComment ("add", response.commentID, postID);}); FB.Event.subscribe ('comment.remove', function (response) {syncComment (<remove>, response.commentID, postID);}); window.fbInitCalled = true; }}) (); (function (d, id) {if (d.getElementById (id)) returns: var js = d.createElement (& quot; script & quot;); = id; js.async = true; js. src = & # 39; https: // & # 39 ;; d.body.appendChild (js);} (document, & quot; facebook-jssdk & # 39; )); [ad_2]
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