The Crcels control system reaffirms its commitment to the right to health of detainees


Seven judicial auxiliaries from the courts of Comodoro Py were infected with tuberculosis, and as reported, the epidemic was caused by the transfer of prisoners affected by this disease. As a result, the Inter-Institutional Locust Control System requested reports on plans for prevention and vaccination against this disease and other diseases in the prison population.

The entity headed by the Federal Judge Gustavo M. Hornos intends to protect and strengthen the human rights of persons deprived of their liberty. This is why the report also asked the number of people affected by TB, the treatments for its cure and in which units each of the patients is housed.

The objective is to report on whether Recommendation IV issued by the Interinstitutional Prison Control System on the "Right to Health: Effective Access to the Provision of Medical Assistance Services to Persons Deprived of Freedom "has been implemented. , signed end of October 2014. The document explains to the portfolios of human rights, justice, health and social development "the imperative to generate institutional mechanisms of care guaranteeing detainees' access to health ".

In addition, in the above-mentioned letter, emphasis was placed on the need to cover the health problems of women prisoners as well as children The problem of addictions is also envisaged and implies its "integral prevention and specific treatment." The treatment of HIV / AIDS is another central point.

"Knowing that the prevalence of these addictions is diseases is greater in the context of internment than in that of the free environment, it is important to consider all the factors that make detainees' access to information, to the prevention and trait specific and global for its high degree of vulnerability, with greater presence and organization than in a free environment, "said the Interinstitutional Crucible Control System.

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