Thailand: A rescuer dies during rescue operations of children trapped – 06/07/2018


A former Thai Navy member died of lack of oxygen after providing supplies to children trapped in a flooded cave in northern Thailand, said Commander [SEP] Commander SEAL Arpakorn on Friday

Yookongkaew. press conference that the rescuer worked as a volunteer and died during a night mission in which he was placing oxygen tanks to provide trapped children.

The 37-year-old man lost consciousness when he tried to return to the surface. "We are trained to accept that there can be risks at any time, that's part of the job," said the commander.

The group – consisting of twelve children aged 11 to 16 years and a 26 year old adult – was found Monday on a firmland island about 4 kilometers inside the cave and after nine days of intensive research involving more than 1,300 people.

Visibly thin, but in good health and healthy, children are being treated in the cave by a dozen soldiers, including a doctor and a psychologist.

Through the intake of vitamin supplements, the group gradually recovers forces towards the second phase: the exit of the cave located in Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang No Nature Park in Chiang Rai Province.

For this, schoolchildren and the monitor began intensive training to learn to dive, a high-risk option because of the lack of visibility and the narrow pbadages that they would have to overcome.

The thirteen entered galleries on Saturday, June 23 after a football training when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity and cut off the exit

Army elite corps, rescue personnel and volunteers, as well as experts from the United States, Japan, China and Australia , among other countries, participate in search and rescue operations.

Developing News.

Source: Agencies.

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