The Merval fell by 0.7% (but in the week it gained 6.2%)


The Merval Index of Argentine Stock Exchanges (BYMA) fell this Friday by 0.7% to 27,603 units and cut a series of three consecutive hikes.

The main victims are recorded Edenor (-5.1%); Puerto Central (-3.4%); and Mirgor (-3.1%).

Despite Friday's defeat, the lead group accumulated a

lead over the week after accumulating an almost 10.0% improvement between Tuesday and Thursday.
* Sovereign bonds in the local OTC market ended with an average improvement of 0.5%, but Argentine country risk dropped by 12 units to 568 points.
* "Peso bonds seem to have bottomed out," says SBS group in a report

• Bonds

In the fixed income segment, the main dollar bonds (listed in pesos) resulted in widespread increases and in some cases cases increased by more than 2%.

Among the most traded, Bonar 2024 rose 1%; the 2020 Bonar, 0.6%; The discount in Argentine law gained 2.1%; while 100-year bonds rose 1.5%

Meanwhile, dollar-denominated bonds rose from $ 0.50 to $ 1.00 in the middle and long end of the curve. , while bonds in pesos seem to have found ground, according to a report of the SBS group.

For its part, the country risk, which measures the JP. Morgan fell 1.5% to 581 basis points.

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