Google would develop "Google Yeti", the Netflix of video games


The music industry has radically changed its way of doing business with the appearance of Spotify and its small subscription that has opened a sea of ​​official musical content that, in normal circumstances, would cost a lot of money. the emergence of powerful broadband speeds and service Netflix destroyed Blockbuster and buried the concept of film rental one by one.

Playing without owning a NASA PC or an expensive console has confirmed via contacts that currently work in Google that it is now time to emulate these last two cases and make the logical step towards the streaming in the video game industry, as it would develop " Google Yeti ", a "console" that was born under the concept of " being able to play The Witcher 3 – video game known for us demanding graphics – in a tab of Google Chrome ".

" Google Yeti " would work as follows. The console would simply have an operation similar to a Chromecast it could be connected to your TV, the monitor of your PC or any other HDMI compatible device, later the Yeti would communicate with them. Google servers, which have powerful virtual machines that will run the entire logical process and will simply emit an image that will be transmitted to your console. Of course, you'll need a powerful connection to the Internet, but that would be the only big expense, since you could play a popular title without having an expensive PC or a next-generation video game console, plus, the production cost of the Yeti it would be so low that it should look like a Chromecast.

This project is ambitious but it can only be executed by a technological power like Google, which has the necessary infrastructure and resources. They would only need "publishers" who would dare to develop or carry their titles to the service, which would radically change the way the industry does business; we would talk about the disappearance of the physical format of video games, retail sales would be limited to the sale of licenses and merchandising and the costs of production and distribution would be significantly reduced. The future is today. Similarly, Google has also in its history several failed innovation projects such as Google Glbades or Google Plus. Will we be able to go to the next step?

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