Oil companies and service stations face so-called "quotas" – 06/07/2018


The latest increase in fuel prices – between 5% and 12% – triggered some runs between oil companies and their network of stations. Companies deepen the "liberation" – which began in September of last year – establishing different amounts, according to the sales channels . This has pushed some stations to complain to the sectoral chambers of the supposed imposition of quotas and other restrictions.

For a week, YPF increased its fuels between 5% and 8. A few days later, he followed Axion and Shell. The latter noticed at a higher level, between 9% and 12%. However, these days, decreased prices by 2% in its own network of stations, so as not to be so out of sync with the rest.

In YPF stations, there were no problems with supply. Neither in the Shell and Axion of the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires. The disadvantages, according to some paper mills, would be inside. Cross-accusations arise: the oil companies say that the supply is normal, while the stations claim to impose "quotas" on them.

"There is no reason to run out of fuel," said Minister of Energy, Javier Iguacel. "What is happening is that some companies have got used to a system and a method and do not want to compete." Some people want us to continue setting prices instead of competing freely with A little seems like this is going on.But 40 million Argentineans who will choose will be more effective than Iguacel in setting the price.So they believe that the price at which they are selling n & rsquo; Is not enough to pay their fees, they will be more expensive than others and will lose volume, "said the official.

The publication of the price of fuels implies that the oil companies ] apply different amounts depending on the channel. There is a price for own stations, a suggested for resellers and then a range of amounts for different wholesale distributors.

The oil companies reduce the discounts previously in force to wholesalers and this causes complaints. There are companies that have decided to stop subsidizing certain specific fuels – such as boats – and that can generate complaints.

Regarding the possible "quotas", in the oil companies, they deny their existence. They believe that it is a gear of some paper manufacturers to store products, while waiting for a higher price.

In this sense, the problems would be more inward than in Buenos Aires . Several conurbano stations consulted explained that there are no supply problems nor quotas. On the other hand, they expressed concerns about the evolution of sales according to the increases.

Fuel sales continue to increase in all varieties, with the exception of diesel, which registered a slight decline. The question of the oil companies is how the market will react to the new situation.

After the lack of activity in two refineries (Bahía Blanca and San Lorenzo), the "white" petrol stations (unbranded)) are short of products. In the oil companies, they suspect that some interior pumps require more fuel to sell to third parties.

"That they give me a formal notification that we are imposing a limit or quota," said several corporate executives. ] "The stations of the provinces of Córdoba and Santa Fe impose quotas on them, they take the average sales of the last months and give them this quantity of liters at a price, if they require a larger quantity, the amount is higher", the stationaries answer.

After the devaluation of the peso against the dollar, oil companies ended up with an increase in their costs for the acquisition of oil, which is paid in US currency. Instead, they increase in pesos. Since November, "super" naphtha prices have risen by more than 30%, while for "premium" fuels, the revaluation is 35%.

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