Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider-Man, is dead


Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider Man, died Source: Archive

At 90, Steve Ditko, recluse, was found dead in Manhattan. He was also the co-creator of
Dr. Strange and a pillar of

Comics and the kind of superheroes.

Everyone already knows who is

Stan Lee
the co-creator (not only creator) of the Marvel Universe, the one who today celebrates the film
Ant Man and The Wasp in theaters but containing franchises such as Iron Man, Captain America and the X-Men, among others. In these others, there is a fundamental character of modern pop:
Spider-Man . Spider-Man was co-created between Stan Lee and the deceased on June 29 (and recently announced) Pennsylvania-born cartoonist Steve Ditko. Ditko was responsible, after cartoonist Jack Kirby's attempt, to give shape, villains, secondary characters, nerves, a city of substance and humanity to
The Amazing Spider-Man series that followed the appearance in 1961 of his pair of pages in Amazing Fantasy # 15 of the young arachnid. The Marvel method (a script idea, drawings based on this idea and just after the dialogues) has made Stan Lee today this franchise / man we see in all Marvel movies. But Ditko, who had worked at Marvel since 1955 (the company called Atlas), was equally fundamental in the development of the superhero as a genre.

Jack Kirby (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther and dozens of others) Ditko was the editorial arm (and more) of Stan Lee's urban, modern, and breakthrough / melodramatic ideas . This creative duel, which we know today only about Lee, is what led Ditko to abandon Spider-Man just at number 38 of his first title. But Ditko's mark was definitive (even though his prisoner modes led him to be called, to be inaccessible to the public and the press, the "JD Salinger of the comic strip" and to be famous for having closed the door of his Manhattan drawing studio in the face of any fan who said that he came to Spider-Man). Ditko, who created scenarios in Spider-Man and which was recognized by Lee himself, made the faces of Spider-Man and his actors, that their reactions and their tensions were human rather than mythical; that is to say that he gave them a dynamic in terms of gestures, storytelling and unprecedented reality (he was the first to make New York a true super comic). Against the epic of Kirby and other writers, Ditko achieved fluidity and daily gestures and thus generated a feat that would make recognizable heroes and antiheroes, closer to the cinema of the time that from the marbled epic of other fundamental authors

. Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider Man died
Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider Man, died Source: Archive

Ditko was also the co-author of Dr. Strange in 1963 to
Strange Tales character who became a Marvel movie in 2016 (like any Spider-Man, Ditko would not make a public statement about the movies or talk to the directors, beyond their true intention). In his moments in Doctor Strange, Ditko created a lysergic page design idea that generated him a hippie cult (and a wild drawing school) and moved to the fractal backgrounds when it came to showing dimensions and magic in the film by Scott Derrickson. Even so, the creative differences and the lack of credit (Lee occupies the light of the reflector for decades although he asked to put the name Ditko in the movies of his characters in common) they left Marvel, although He came back – not to Spiderman but to Minor characters – and also went by DC Comics (where he created The Creeper, The Question and Hawk & Dove) and other publishers (Blue Beetle, with whom he met thanks to crowfunding earlier this year).

by Marvel and DC, is devoted to works that are always surrealistic but moralistic under the dogma of "objectivism" by Ayn Rand, who defends rational egoism, individualism and the market book (all roughly represented in the Ditko comic book, Mr. A of 1967 and dozens of later published comics independently). Ditko has established his point of view on Spider-Man and his departure from Marvel in essays published in small media over the past decade. He never drew the character again

  Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider Man
Death Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider Man Source: Archive

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