They fear an uncertain global impact of the trade war


China yesterday instituted a battery of tariffs on products in response to White House tariffs. climbing would lead to a recession Source: AP

PEKÍN.- The escalation of rights between


which pushes the global economy towards uncertainty, worsened yesterday after Beijing activated a $ 34 billion rights package on US goods and accused the White House of 39, to have initiated the "greatest commercial war of the world". Since 1965, midnight yesterday, Washington has imposed tariffs of 25% on imports of products worth $ 34 billion, a first series of possible increases that can reach up to 550 billion dollars of imports from China, more than half of what the Asian country sent to the United States last year, as US President Donald Trump had threatened weeks before.

Midnight past midnight, China did not wait for the answer and set up immediate tariffs on US products for an equivalent value. "China has promised not to fire at first, but to defend the fundamental interests of the country and its people, it has been forced to take the necessary countermeasures," said the Chinese Ministry of Commerce [19659007]. The World Trade Organization (WTO) and has launched the biggest trade war in economic history to date, "denounced the ministry, which has shown concern about" turbulence on the global markets. "

" After the imposition by the United States "The Chinese measures came into effect immediately," said Lu Kang, spokesman for the Chancellery of the Communist Giant. [chinois] Chinese taxes affect agricultural products such as soy, fish, pork and beef. veal and dairy products. China thus shows the Trump electorate in rural areas. The Ministry of Commerce, furthermore, has informed that it will appeal to the OMC and will work with other countries to "protect free trade", many of which are historical allies of the United States, like Canada. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said at a press conference in Sofia, before the summit, that "trade war is never a solution". with 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe

"China will never trigger a trade war, but if a party resorts to an increase in tariffs, China will take measures to protect developing interests", add number two. of the communist regime.

Washington accuses China of being appropriate for technology patents, either by obligations to US companies to operate in the Chinese market, or simply

In this context, Russia s & # Yesterday, China joined Yesterday and imposed customs duties of between 25% and 40% on the import of certain US products in response to Washington's trade restrictions.

Rates affect road construction equipment, oil and gas equipment, metal processing tools, rock drilling and fiber optics, among others. "The damage to US trade restrictions on Russian exports is estimated at $ 537.6 million," said Maxim Oreshkin, Russia's Minister of Economic Development.

"Our basic forecast badumes only a slight escalation of the war." This summer (boreal), "said Bank of America Merrill Lynch in a report released yesterday." However, we can not rule out a unleashed commercial war that would provoke a recession "in the world order," he added.

In recent weeks, the conflict has shaken financial markets, including equities, currencies and global trade. to calm global markets, White House Council Chairman Kevin Hbadett said in an interview with Fox Business Network that Trump "is going to deliver better (commercial) deals," in reference to the renegotiations that the White House is looking for Nafta and the pacts with Beijing.

Hours before the entry into force of US tariffs, the Federal Reserve (the US central bank) He warned that an impending trade war is a "black cloud in a blue sky" for the North American economy.

Reuters Agencies, ANSA, DPA and AFP

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