In 10 years, naphtha has multiplied its value by 12


Ten years ago, 2.3 pesos were paid for the super liter and 2.8 pesos for the premium liter in the YPF. In Mendoza, with the announcement of today, the superliter leaves 29.05 pesos per liter and the premium -Infinia- 33.73 pesos .

Ten years traveled and the current value is equivalent to July 2008 multiplied by 12.

In the following interactive MDZ, I followed the fuel YPF increases month by month and year by year:

With regard to the living wage and movi l, in July 2008, it was 980 pesos . A month later, he pbaded 1,200 pesos.

In other words, a minimum wage in July 2008 was equivalent to 350 liters of high quality naphtha.

The current minimum wage is 10 thousand pesos which equates to 296.4 liters of premium naphtha

This can also be understood in terms of the amount per hour: concerns the minimum wage and mobile wages: 50 pesos (July 2018) for 33.73 pesos (liter premium naphtha). In July 2008, the amount per hour was 4.90 pesos for 2.8 pesos per liter of high quality naphtha . That is to say, today and 10 years ago, the amount per hour according to the minimum wage does not reach two liters of superior quality naphtha.

It's more expensive or not?

The dollar closed Friday at 27.9 pesos the unit and the super liter is 29.05 pesos. The ratio is $ 1.04 per liter of fuel.

According to the values ​​published by the Global Petrol Prices website, the liter of naphtha at the dollar price is 1.27 in Chile ; 1.16 in Brazil ; 0.93 in the United States 0.54 in Bolivia 1.55 in Spain ; 1.07 in Mexico ; 1.08 in Peru and 1.09 in Paraguay .

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