With 17 years, this young woman will be the first person to walk on Mars :: El Litoral – News – Santa Fe – Argentina


If everything goes according to the plan of NASA, Alyssa Carson will become in 2033 the first person to set foot on Mars, the red planet.

Alyssa Carson. Photo: NASA

The mission is scheduled for 2030 At 17, this young woman will be the first person to march on Mars If everything happens according to NASA's plan, in 2033, Alyssa Carson will become the first person to set foot on Mars, the red planet. If all goes according to the plan of NASA, in 2033, Alyssa Carson will become the first person to set foot on Mars, the red planet.

El Litoral

Now she is only 17 years old, but they are already preparing her for that at the age of 32, she travels to Mars to grow food , experiment and look for traces of life. The plan would last from 2 to 3 years.

The young woman has been preparing since the age of 3 and could be part of a first human colony on Mars.

The Daily Mail website, stated that Alyssa had an obsession since childhood to realize her big dream, which was born from seeing in cartoons the Martians on the red planet.

Barely three years old, he says to his father, "Dad, I want to become an astronaut and be part of the people who will go to Mars."

Nothing like a photo shoot of the Space … with an astronaut !! #DrBernardHarris pic.twitter.com/9sFelZQnac

– Alyssa Carson (@ NASABlueberry1) June 26, 2018

Since then, he has worked all his life to make his dream come true.

"This red planet is so cool, I started watching videos of rovers landing on Mars, I had a giant map of Mars in my room, I was watching, I started to have telescopes to look at the space. "


In case NASA would not decide to accept it, other organizations, such as SpaceX in MarsOne, have expressed interest, and have even stated that they could l & # 39; 39, send on mission long before 2033.

However, he accomplished all that NASA needs, being the first person to complete the NASA pbadport program, being in the 14 training centers, for which he received the Right Stuff Award. [19659006]

According to some estimates, a first trip would cost $ 6 billion, and every two years, new astronauts would be sent, with a cost of $ 4 billion per trip, to the establishment of A colony of 25 people. 19659005]

Today I met @ NASABlueberry1 and I was amazed by his story, to be so young and to be so clear on your purpose in life. It will be the first woman to march on Mars in 2033. pic.twitter.com/vxwR1HVSCt

– Marigones (@MarIgones) June 18, 2018

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