Pérez Sol is tired and told the truth about the detainees in the Pampita Ardohain program – 07/08/2018


The resignation of Carolina Pampita Ardohain (40) to his television program and the consequent departure of Barbie Simons (37) for differences apparently irreconcilable with a cycle producer, relaunched internally between the journalist and Sol Pérez (24).

It is that although many things have been said about the continuous rubbing behind the camera between Simons and Pérez, it was only the dissolution of the original panel of Pampita Online (Telefe)

And, as expected, after the girl of remembrance Leonardo Simons gave her version of the events, this Saturday it was the turn of "the daughter of the climate ", which was extremely eloquent in a note for Implacables (The Nine, Saturdays and Sundays at 8 pm.)

In detail, the sensual bomb of social networks began to talk about the uncertain moment that lives the magazine Telefe, which is still on the air with the name of the recognized model.

"We continue until we are told the opposite. T we put the best, pulling on the same side, so that the program continues "said Sol, who on the first day, Pampita was absent was the one chosen to lead the cycle.

And he continued: "we put all the chips in the Gunda (by Claudia Fontán ) but beyond, is the Pampita program and we want it all .I have faith that he will come back. "

So Perez's niece was interrogated about Simons' resignation just the same day she had been chosen to replace Pampita

  Barbie Simons (Instagram)

Barbie Simons. (Instagram)

" Barbie left the program the day you had to surrender, how did you take this attitude? ", asked Pablo Costas, the notary of Susana Roccasalvo

" I think that's fine, if she thought she was going to leave that she was not going to be a panelist for a program I was running, that's fine, " replied the superstar of Magnifica .

" He spoke at a time of the abuse of production what happened? ", Then questioned the journalist of Implacables ." Nothing, ask him what happened to him. I have already said, production is busy "replied Perez, but his story was even more extensive

"When a production does not hit you or you decide to d & # Forget the things you do in the air and very serious things to say that 'a woman made favors' or' services & # 39; 39, tell a companion when she gets up to show a look at what happened to you on the knees?, say barbarities in l? air, tell me for me in the face that I had to pay the rights of 3 9th floor that I get a badroach … (through the headphones through which the production speaks to the panelists), "he added.

And he completed: "It seems to me that when she likeaba comments of others (in which her disciples criticized Sol) say nothing and that the production says" well "it's good, if it means that like all the comments we're going to believe." "

  Sol Perez. (Instagram)

Sol Perez. (Instagram) [19659022] Already towards the end of the interview at the door of KZO Studios, blonde weakness of millions of Argentines ensured that his former table mate " would have to thank that the production went on. still occupies her and he never left her exposed . "

" Especially with these very serious things that he says from one woman to the other . I have never been able to talk to her about it. only the time that he said the service until Pampita stopped him in the air he said "no, no, no, it is not correct & # 39; and I said "no, stop, I do not know I'm doing everyone's service ", also says the graphic model.

"I was at the meeting where he sat and asked him to refuse a change because she was treating me very badly. … ", concluded Sol, who did not rule out participating in the dance competition of ShowMatch .

It should be noted that after his departure from Pampita Online Barbie Simons said that for her Sol Pérez "was not the person indicated perhaps because of the lack of experience" to replace his close friend In the conduct of the program.

Meanwhile, about her resignation, she added: " I have received some abuse or destruction from some that another producer since the beginning of this new cycle ". 9659039] [ad_2]
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