Sunday Comment: The sum of plagues haunts the sick population of Honduras


Lies plague the weakest and sickest population of our country

We are under the alert for the increase in cases of influenza, a plague that has already cost the lives of a twenty people, most of whom with hypertension, diabetes and underlying respiratory problems.

Dengue, chikungunya and zika records have not decreased either; in the opposite direction, they have intensified in recent weeks in a proportion close to 40%.

Not long ago, industry officials had denied that the symptoms of the so-called stagnant flu had spread in the proportion needed for

And if we refer to the family of dengue, chikungunya and zika, these diseases have attacked the weaker sectors of the population.

The aforementioned pests, along with all their badociated ailments, such as microcephaly and Guillain Barré syndrome, have fallen like the plagues of Egypt.

That is why we do not understand why this diagnosis has not yet been made and adopted the procedures to cover the most fragile sectors. the plagues that attack us

For the greatest evils, in the southern zone, a rare disease called "láfora" caused the alarm, which caused the death of five people. Mbades of the same family.

A pithy observation that we can report about the administrative health management apparatus is that a rapid emergency response program has not been initiated. An apathy almost suicidal

The intervention was delayed in the face of modern pestilence that overwhelms the population, who have health problems, who are content with good health education and do not have access to quality health care.

a reserved image, because our health system is in a permanent coma.

We must take the appropriate preventive measures and be on the lookout for the scourges that threaten us.


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