What the Decree says to reduce state spending – AIM Digital


The government issued Tuesday Decree 632/2018, which aims to reduce state spending. The standard, which bears the signature of President Mauricio Macri, Chief of Staff Marcos Peña and Ministers Andrés Ibarra (Modernization) and Nicolás Dujovne (Treasury and Finance), indicates a reduction of some 25,000 million pesos in what is considered The second stage of the public adjustment plan of Cambiemos

Hiring, cars and travel: what says the decree to reduce state expenditure

"Quality in management public depends on the respect of the principle of the economy, that is, that the functioning of the public administration tends to the rational use of public resources, "said the executive in the recitals of the measure.

In this line, the government argued that "the allocation of resources to the public administration should strictly adjust to the requirements of its operation to achieve the goals and objectives."

  1. Income Freeze in the State

] The text freezes, until December 31, 2019, the appointment and the hiring of personnel of any kind or source of budgetary or non-budgetary financing. It reaches the entire structure of the state, with the exception of the Federal Intelligence Agency, the Federal Revenue Administration, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the National Universities and the Armed and security forces. Appointments to the National Science, Technology and Innovation System, the Foreign Service and the National Ranger Corps are also excluded from the ban.

  1. Agreements on Technical Assistance Services

No new agreement can be concluded. Type. Current agreements between the State and national, provincial or private universities or other public educational institutions will be ineffective as of January 1, 2019. This type of service has been installed by the Kirchner and, in many cases, abuses were committed. use and hiring of external staff at universities, which involved a significant expense to the public treasury.

  1. Bonuses, Prizes, Bonuses or Supplements

The text prohibits the instrumentation of new bonuses, prizes, bonuses or supplements until 31. December 2019. The organizations that pay them must inform within 30 days "the standard that ordered their creation and application, their characteristics and the planning of their payment for the current year to the Technical Advisory Committee on Public Sector Salary Policy", which will rule on the origin and the budgetary impact of these payments.

  1. Extraordinary services, mobility, food and per diem tricks

The agencies must submit, also within 30 days, a report to the Ministry of Modernization. The document should reflect "the evolution of the payment of extraordinary services, mobility fees, fixed mobility fees, reimbursement of food expenses and per diems, to ensure compliance" and provide "a reduction of 30 % of the subtract from the current budget year. "

  1. Travel abroad

For transfers made on official missions or commissions abroad or for the use of scholarships, regardless of the source of funding of the NEP, only ministerial or higher authorities may use executive clbad pbades, with the agreement of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the case of the transfer of officials having the rank of secretary, only the tickets Clbades may be used for travel of more than eight hours, provided that prior authorization is obtained from the owner of the Jurisdiction or the Entity of which

. must submit a report to the Cabinet Office on "planning for daily expenses, travel and mobility resulting from the performance of missions or official commissions abroad, or the use of scholarships The report must be submitted within 15 days and also provide for "a 30% reduction in the cost of these items for the remainder of the current fiscal year."

  1. Vehicles for official use

The State Property Administration Agency (Aabe) must perform within 30 days an investigation of the official use vehicles which are both available for the transfer of officials and those intended for to the operational use of the area to which they are badigned.

the preparation of an optimal fleet report for each administration or body inspected for its subsequent transfer or transfer on reasonable criteria and austerity. "

During the conduct of the investigation, the government ordered the suspension of the acquisition or leasing process with option to purchase vehicles underway.

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