An escrache to Elisa Carrió closed the "crack" in Cambiemos – 07/10/2018


The internal Cambiemos is at its most intense moment. Elisa Carrió exploded, inside the Chamber of Deputies, when the vote in favor of the legal interruption of pregnancy obtained a half-sanction: "The next break", announced leaving the Congress between the stupefaction of Cambiemos and the shouts of the

Then, the deputy born in Chaco crossed the radicals in an event in Paraná where she said to his former coreligionists that "they sent us to distribute the empanadas and now I manage them from the outside."

In addition to the "messes" fomented by Carrió, radicalism has also irritated the lack of communication of the measures of the Government of Mauricio Macri that arise in an unacceptable way with its partners in a political alliance

  Deputies during the debate on legal abortion. Photo Maxi Failla

Deputies in the debate on legal abortion. Photo Maxi Failla

Both the agreement with the IMF and the initiative to negotiate with the governors of Peronism have been swallows difficult for the radical partners who, they say, have learned in real time of these events and no, through the authorities of

In addition to this, the spread of the pbadages between Cambiemos deputies, after the controversy over the abortion, did not help the climate internal.

  Crossings in the WhatsApp group of Cambiemos deputies interbloque.

Crosses in the group of WhatsApp deputies from the interblock Let's change

Now, things seem to be finding a "pacification" course on. "And on Tuesday, several events will improve the climate in Cambiemos : first, a meeting of radical governors with Marcos Peña and Rogelio Frigerio will discuss the budget and the internal strength of the ruling force. [19659013] Mauricio Macri summoned Olivos to Alfredo Cornejo for trainee between UCR and Elisa Carrió "src =" "data-big =" https: // 2018/06/22 / r1xzibi-m_290x290__1.jpg "data-small ="” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

In the evening, a dinner of the three Governors of the UCR with Mauricio Macri in Olivos (Gerardo Morales, Gustavo Valdes and Alfredo Cornejo) will bring serenity to the business.

But the Macrist deputies will also make their share: a draft declaration presented to the lower house with Elisa Carrió, who received a protest from piqueteros groups [19459] 014] who were up to their foundation to repudiate the sayings of the everyña on the need of "the middle clbad does not stop tipping or giving changas".

On the visit of activists of the social organization Front of Organizations in Struggle at the seat of the Hannah Arendt Foundation, Carrió, the deputy Ezequiel Fernández Langan has developed a draft statement repudiating the escrache.

  They ask Carrió for odd jobs. Photo Jorge Sánchez

They ask Carrió for odd jobs. Photo Jorge Sánchez

"The purpose of this draft statement is to repudiate the spying done at the Hannah Arendt Institute on Friday, July 6, 2018 and to show solidarity with its members. Workers and its leaders Political intolerance must be eradicated to lead to respect and dialogue As an alternative to violent clashes and escraches, it is necessary to promote the development of thought and to promote spaces of dialogue and debate of ideas. ": Elisa Carrió participates in a dinner with the" Celestes ", deputies who voted against" src = " .svg "data-big =" https: // images / 2018/06/15 / Hyhhwq8-X_290x290__1.jpg "data-small =" /Hyhhwq8-X_110x110__1.jpg” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

In addition to the Macrista Fernández of the other deputies PRO as sign Waldo Wolff, Eduardo Amadeo, Tito Ste fani, and radicals such as Karina Banfi, Luis Petri and Diego Mestre, among several others. But the most striking accompaniments are those of deputies Silvia Lospennato and Carmen Polledo, precisely those who were the advocates of positions in favor and against, respectively, of the legalization of abortion.

  They ask Carrió for odd jobs. Nucleated social organisms in Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL). Photo Jorge Sánchez

They ask Carrió for odd jobs. Nucleated social organisms in Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL). Foto Jorge Sánchez

The presentation also adds that "the aggression and violence manifested on Friday, July 6, 2018 in front of the Hannah Arendt Institute are a sign of contempt for all the values ​​for which the l? institute works. The escrach The Hannah Arendt Institute names the main values ​​of democracy. "

  They ask for chores Carrió Photo Jorge Sanchez

They ask for chores Carrió Photo Jorge Sanchez

Whatever the case may be, Carrio's spicy sayings against the radicals have not yet extinguished all the fire that has generated . On Tuesday, the president of the Nation dines with Alfredo Cornejo, governor of Mendoza and chief of the UCR, who gave the strongest answer against the head of the Civic Coalition-ARI: "It was excessive it was pejorative. "

this Tuesday, Marcos Peña spoke of the words of "Lilita": "As much as they are jokes, we must pay attention to what is said" said without hesitation the head of the party. Staff.

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