Due to the rising dollar, the number of Argentineans who traveled abroad slowed


The rising dollar has already begun to influence the number of tourists traveling abroad. The first official figures show that the number of Argentines who spend their holidays on the outside has slowed down. In the consequences that may have a depreciation of the peso, this may be one of the most "desirable" by the national government, since last year left the country not less than $ 10,000 million for expenses abroad.

The report on international tourism published by Indec shows that in May the percentage of growth in the number of tourists who traveled abroad increased by 5.5%, which represents a sharp deceleration from the first four months of the year 19459004 of the year . Between January and April, the rate of increase in the number of people traveling to outdoor destinations on vacation has increased from 11 to 20%.

For the chief economist of the consulting company Epyca Martín Kalos, " the exchange race began on April 26, so in May, you already have uncertainty not only on the price that the dollar will go, but while the race was deeper, there was also uncertainty as to the direction of the economic model, "he said in the dialogue with TN.com.ar .

The loss of dollars for traveling abroad was one of the reasons why the current account deficit, it is Saying the difference between the dollars that go in and those going for goods and services, was so high in 2017 Moreover, this imbalance is one of the reasons that explain the particular vulnerability that the country has had in recent months and that led to it being the emerging economy that most devalued its currency.

One of the direct consequences of the rise of the dollar: with more expensive pbadages and less power to buy the peso vis-à-vis foreign currencies, international tourism is discouraged . "You still have a lot of outbound tourism because there were a lot of contracts arranged in advance (tickets purchased in advance, and accommodation reservations). In June and July, the decline will be more important "said Kalos.

According to Indec figures, in May, the most-visited foreign destination by the Argentineans was Europe (24.1% of tourists), followed by the states (23.1% of the total), Brazil (16.2%) and Chile (7.2%).

In recent days, there have been comings and goings among national government officials regarding the introduction of a new tax for trips abroad. First, the chief of staff Marcos Peña, who badured that it was "an option" to consider, although a few hours later the Minister of Finance Nicolás Dujovne denied that the Casa Rosada was going to see this tribute again.

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