Featured stories reach Facebook


Users can select their favorite "expired" stories and compile them into collections, as you can do on Instagram

A little over a year ago Facebook climbed on the wave of Stories . An idea created by Snapchat that inspired shortly after Instagram that managed to remove the idea and also the popularity.

Instagram reigns today among social networks where the visual predominates and, many times, the news that was implemented was transferred shortly thereafter to Facebook, his older brother.

That of Stories is a clear example. According to the TechCrunch digital newspaper, the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg chose to try the featured stories

In this way, users can select their favorite "expired" stories and compile them "" People told us that they wanted a way to highlight and save stories that matter to them, "said a company spokesman who said the tests were going to soon to start. This new function of Facebook Stories .

These highlights will appear in a horizontal bar in the user profile who can see how many people have seen their stories. By default, they will be visible to all friends of the user, although they may be restricted to certain people or made public. This last option could be useful for celebrities or people trying to create an audience.

The idea of ​​publishing the Featured Stories on Facebook was a secret since, in May, the social network launched the archive of stories ] that automatically saves all uploaded photos and videos. This file is the basis for selecting expired stories and uploading them again as "outstanding".

The Facebook application family took advantage of the Snapchat impbade and copied everything that worked in the other application, while developing tools such as " superzoom "or the option" approaches ", as well as the ability to share publications through stories or to add music to them.

All these novelties are translated in the following figures: 400 million daily users in Instagram Stories and 150 million in Facebook Stories, against 191 million Snapchat.

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