With oxygen mask, they save life in bulldog in flight


In a flight of the airline JetBlue traveling from Orlando (Florida) to Worcester (Mbadachusetts) was presented a situation of urgency, and not precisely because of one of his pbadengers.

According to international media reports, a three-year-old French bulldog suffered from respiratory distress while the plane was 10,000 meters high

Immediately, says Michele Burt, owner of "Darcy &" ] The tongue of his pet began to turn blue when he tried to breathe.

Although not being prepared for this type of emergency situation, employees of the airline ran to help Darcy wear an oxygen mask

" We are all affected by market fluctuations, cabin pressure and oxygen levels – humans, dogs and felines – but the fact that the crew on board immediately reacted to the situation saved the life of "Darcy" "] Michele Burt posted on his Facebook account.

Specialists note that the animal was suffering from hypoxia, a condition that causes a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood and therefore respiratory problems. If it had not been treated in time, "Darcy" could have died.

"I put the mask on his face and after a few minutes he was alert again, and after a while he did not I would not use it anymore (…) I think the crew saved her life, may think that being a bitch is not worth the same but for me it's not like that, " added the owner of the mascot.

Meanwhile, Renaud Fenster, one of the emergency crew members, said that he had never seen anything like this before.

"I was walking in the cabin to attend an order when I noticed that another pbadenger had pulled his dog out of the canine, I felt good as a French Bulldog owner I realized that the dog was suffering from overheating and needed ice, but when she brought it, the situation did not improve (…) [19459006IcalledthecaptainandItoldhimwhatwashappening ", Fenster said in an interview with the program" Buenos Días America "of the American channel ABC.

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