2018 World Cup: England ready for the semi-final


  Fans at Hyde Park, London

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Never Stop Me Dreaming : Supporters at Hyde Park in London

Pubs, parks, castles, caravans – no matter where you look, as long as you look.

After a mbadive exodus of workplaces all over the country, millions of people are preparing for a

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There are thousands of fingers. (and toes) crossed in the capital

We are in Hyde Park in London, where up to 30,000 fans will (hopefully) see their triumph over Croatia. The World Cup semi-final projection is the largest in the capital since Euro 96.

There are also screenings at Nottingham Castle, Manchester's Castlefield Bowl and Brighton Beach.


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A beautiful flower scene at Churchill Arms in London

In Hyde Park, father and son Andrew and Luke Downing, 39 and 13 years old, were the first on and at the front of the stage.

"We have been going around for two hours and have arrived as quickly as possible.As the gates opened," Andrew said, "From the beginning I had every confidence that we would have half of final, we will win 2-1. "

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Father and son Luke and Andrew Downing were on the frontline at Hyde Park

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Jess Baker, Dan Hanna and Dizzy Baker predict a 2-1 win in England

Jess Baker, Dan Hanna and Dizzy Baker predict a 2-1 win in England.

Dizzy said, "We have our place, we put our blanket and it's us for the rest of the day."

"I'm nervous, excited and confident at the same time. I think we're going to do it, but it's going to go to penalties. "

Jess added," We are going to win 2-1. Croatia will score first. We will panic, we will bring Rashford and he will take us home for us. "

About 8,000 tickets were purchased to attend the game at Castlefield Bowl in Manchester.

The city became crazy about football, with"

Friends Jack Moore, Rhys Greenwood and Scott Barnes stated that the bowl was "the only place to be."

"It's better than being in a pub" Rhys. "And we're going 2-1 in England."

And the scorer? "

" It must be Harry Kane. "

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" The bowl is the only place to be, "say Jack Moore, Rhys Greenwood and Scott Barnes

Dipped under the evening sun, the nation's beaches are a popular place to watch the game

On Brighton Beach, fans are already stuck to a big screen on the sand, which also shone the tennis before the World Cup. the fever has seized

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The Southgate Effect: Vests in a junk shop in Brighton

Sean Tipping, 31, sales representative at Lindfield, said, "I'm excited, the way we're playing right now, our play pieces are so dangerous, they've done well." [19659009] Author's Right of the Image
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A Flagship Vendor on the Brighton Boardwalk

At Nottingham Castle, 3,000 tickets were sold within minutes of the sale.

Red and white people filled the field as people nervously gathered around the big screen.

coup de sending.

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Supporters at Millennium Square, Leeds

And it is obviously not only in England that the tension is rising.

Meanwhile in Moscow. . .

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We think that this guy may be a little excited

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English fans make their presence felt

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