After "spying" on possible rivals, Mick Jagger went to England and could not celebrate – 11/07/2018


Mick Jagger is following the 2018 Russian World Cup very closely and after going to see the semifinal between France and Belgium, the British musician did not want to miss his team's match against Croatia ( 2-1 defeat left out of the final) at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow

In a tweet a few minutes before the start of the twelfth. Another clash in the semifinal Croatia, the leader of the Rolling Stones sent his support to the English national team: "This is my England" (Let's go England), he wrote with a short video.

Born 74 years ago in Dartford -south-east England, Jagger is a football enthusiast, to the point that he has accompanied his team at the last world championships. Of course, fortune, in this aspect of his life, did not accompany him . The Briton, for example, was present in the Argentina-England of France 98, when the team then led by Daniel Pbadarella ended up with the win on penalties.

  The leader of the Rolling Stones was in Germany in 2006. (Photo: [AFP]

The head of the Rolling Stones was in Germany in 2006. (Photo: AFP)

He also witnessed England -Portugal of Germany in 2006, when the Lusitanians were left with the triumph of the twelve stages.In South Africa 2010, in as much, he accompanied his selection until it was beaten by Germany in eighth of end.And in Brazil 2014? There, Jagger was in one of the most memorable matches of recent times: Germany 7-1 on the green carpet.And more: Mick 's good went with his son to Eurocopa 2016, when England was eliminated with Iceland.

  Jagger, a South African fan of more. : AFP)

Jagger, another fan in South Africa 2010. (Photo: AFP)

Curiosities that this 2018 World Cup, the most famous in the world of music had jà appeared on Russian soil in the hands of & # 39; Argentina. Is Messi and the company arrived and went to this country aboard the plane that also uses the group and has its logo stamped on the side.

The World Cup, minute by minute:

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