The longest nail man in the world cuts and confides them to a museum


The Longest Nails in the World are Now in a Museum: Shridhar Chillal, 82, presented his five nails of nearly 200 centimeters each in his left hand for 66 years. .

"I have lived for 66 years for the nails of my hands," Chillal said with the help of his granddaughter, who worked as a translator. "I am very happy to be able to see them now," he added. The nails are currently in the Curiosity Museum "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" in the Times Square district of New York, where they will be permanently exposed in a showcase.

"I have lived 66 years for the nails of my hands."

The nails had been cut a few days earlier in a medical center . Chillal said that he had aged and that living with these nails had become very uncomfortable. He confessed that getting rid of the nails was a kind of release, in turn he missed them.

The Indian has allowed his left-hand nails to grow since 1952 and entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2014. I nailed his nails once a week. To sleep, she needed to wrap her nails with special padding and to get dressed, she needed special closures on her left arm.

Chillal is married with several children. He worked for years as a photographer with his right hand. His left hand was deformed because of the weight he had to bear for years.

Meet the extraordinary Shridhar Chillal – Longest nails on one hand # GWR2016

– GuinnessWorldRecords (@GWR) 30 September 2015

The Indian says that he decided to let his nails grow because of an incident at school. Chillal was playing with his friends and accidentally bumped into a teacher and broke the long fingernail with his little finger. The teacher was angry. "I do not know if this teacher is still alive, but if he was alive, I would like to tell him that I took it to heart that he challenged me, I l & rsquo; I took it as a challenge for me … and he succeeded. "

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