Melconian: "The IMF's money does not reach and the country will have to take back debt on the markets"


The economist and former president of Banco Nacion Carlos Melconian predicted a dark prospect for the Argentine economy "until the end of 2019 "by arguing that the US $ 50,000 million IMF credit (International Monetary Fund)" does not reach ", so that the country will have to go into debt markets before the thing predicted.

" All the money of the IMF is not enough. The country needs this, to reach the objectives and to return to the market to seek financing ", said the economist at a dissertation in the city of Resistencia. Melconian said that the exit from the financial crisis that Argentina is going through, compounded by the unstable international context, will only begin to end at the "end of 2019" . that there is still more than one year of turbulence.

The economist pointed out that the government should advance in a "political agreement with the opposition" to "achieve a balance", in a scenario where "the activity will fall and the real wage will fall before inflation. " This political agreement, said the former head of the Cambiemos alliance, should allow the government to complete a national budget of 2019 that meets the objectives set for the Monetary Fund, reported the newspaper Chaco Norte.

Melconian pointed out that part of the macroeconomic problems presented by Argentina is the responsibility of "the legacy of 2015", which has raised "events that are irremovable in a single term ".

According to what he said, "Plan A" Mauricio Macri's government "composed of" excel leaves and optimism of the economic team "is dead ". He indicated in this sense that "Plan B" is in progress and consists of agreement with the IMF, with two challenges: to control the exchange rate pressure and to start lowering the rate of interest. interest in meeting the objectives of the tax). More in the future, a potential "Plan C" could contain "higher doses of heterodoxy" which would even mean a more pronounced devaluation of the peso with holdbacks on exports of some elements of the economy, such as.

The economist added that if neither of these last two plans reached the expected results, "also on the horizon could appear a" Plan D ", with more capital controls and more regulations. "
The economist gave the conference in a hotel in Resistencia as part of the activity that ended the agenda of commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the newspaper Chaco Norte, one of the most important newspapers in northeastern Argentina. [ad_2]
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