Solid food for 6-month-old babies: what experts say


The Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Breastfeeding of the Argentine Pediatric Society spoke of the study of babies

according to a study of St. George and King's College, where it was ensured that babies who eat solid foods before six months suffer less sleep problems than those who badfeed than their baby. This survey determined that these children slept another quarter of an hour each night.

This opened a debate between doctors and neonatologists, meanwhile Dr. Silvia García pointed out to Entremujeres that the only food that should receive a baby. 6 months is bad milk. "Human milk is a unique and irreplaceable food," he said, noting that the "substances that make it more digestible" affect "the most frequent awakenings, protecting them from sudden death before one year of life" . 19659003] For his part, he did not fail to clarify what happens to babies : "to introduce food other than human milk before six months is not practical" and gave the benefits: "protein, immunological properties and"

And he emphasized the importance of what would happen if they consume food: "Other foods may contain allergens that may trigger allergies for life. "The measure must be" exclusively badfed by his mother "and argued:" Until six months, the bowel is not ripe. "

Properties Breast Milk:

* Milk in the Babies ] gives germs that colonize the baby's intestine, generating a "good" flora that protects it for life.
* He also contains immunoglobulins that protect the baby against infections.
* On the other hand, substances improve the brain and vision
* Higher IQs have been observed in badfed babies.
* A study of the Lancet 2016 study states that badfeeding decreases by 820,000 child deaths annually.
* Babies protect them in the long run, against obesity, against the rise of cholesterol and diabetes.

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