For the tourist movement, they advise to be vaccinated against the flu


This is for the winter holidays, which will start in stages starting this weekend. The suggestion is for those who make up the at-risk group who have not yet been vaccinated.

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Winter holidays and fairs are coming up in different areas of work, so we expect this weekend to increase the movement of tourism in the country. For this reason, the provincial health portfolio has once again insisted that at-risk group members be vaccinated against the flu to prevent the disease.
In the capital, mobile vaccination will take place today at Plaza Vera, from 9am to 6pm, and tomorrow from 9am to 12pm. In the place, people who are in the risk group will have access to vaccines against influenza and pneumonia.
The director of immunization of the province, Angelina Bobadilla, recalled that it is "important, because of the tourist movement during the winter break, that people in the at-risk group are close to receiving the corresponding dose of influenza vaccine.
The influenza vaccine is part of the national immunization schedule, it is free, mandatory and should be applied every year to those most at risk of complications. This group includes children aged 6 to 24 months inclusively; pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy; puerperal women within 10 days after delivery if they have not received it during pregnancy; over 65s and health staff.
Bobadilla said that "they should also receive the flu shot by presenting a medical order to people aged 2 to 64 years old with heart, respiratory or kidney disease, immunosuppression, diabetes and obesity. ". He added that "children from 6 to 24 months should receive 2 separate doses for at least 4 weeks" and recalled that "those who have not yet been vaccinated and are in the risk group, are approaching vaccination the nearest or the carp square, on Friday. "
The official said that there are stocks available of flu shots in all health centers with vaccination in the province.
Regarding the care that should be taken for the winter, the manager said that "in addition to vaccination, there are other ways to prevent respiratory diseases that may occur in the future. winter: ventilated environments, hand washing.For infants, badfeeding is also recommended, as it prevents many diseases. "

Other Diseases

Influenza, Bronchiolitis, Bronchitis and Pneumonia , among other diseases, are more common in winter and cause the main cause of hospitalization and medical consultation. They affect the entire population, but basically children under 5 and people over 65.
In addition to influenza vaccination and vaccination against pneumonia for people in the at-risk group, the portfolio recalls that it is essential that all people take into account care to prevent respiratory diseases such as the wash hands,, badfeed, do not smoke and ventilate spaces daily, promptly consult the doctor and do not self-treat.
Pneumococcus: Babies should receive the vaccine at 2, 4 and 12 months of age. Those who do not complete this regimen of three vaccinations must do so before the age of 5 years. It should also be received by children and adults with risk factors and adults over 65 (sequential schedule of two vaccines).
Convulsive cough: this disease is prevented by applying the appropriate diet in each stage of life.

Treatment of Chagas in the country

The Nation's Ministry of Health convened technical teams and specialists from across the country in the disease. de Chagas to discuss the update of treatment concepts and to generate consensus on the approach in each instance of this pathology.
The purpose of the panel of experts, meeting at the headquarters of the National Health Portfolio, was to unify the criteria relating to the treatment of patients, their adverse effects, the diagnosis of Chagas disease by laboratory tests and the trypanocidal effect of drugs.
Currently, treatment of Chagas disease is available free of charge in the country's public hospitals and the Ministry of Health of the Nation guarantees the free delivery of medicines.
In Argentina, there are a total of 15,000 annual births suspected of vertical or perinatal Chagas disease, of which 3% are confirmed and can be treated.
On the other hand, the country has made important progress in improving its indicators and certifying several provinces as free of vector transmission (by the bite of vinchuca). In this case are Jujuy, Santa Fe, Between Rios, Misiones, Neuquén, La Pampa, Rio Negro, San Luis and Tucumán. The province of Corrientes is still consolidating its results and obtaining the status of the rest of the jurisdictions

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