The CGT has canceled its plan of renewal of powers and the triumvirate continues until 2020 – 07/12/2018


The CGT's board of directors decided on Thursday that the CGT's current triumvirate will continue its mandate until 2020, as the most numerous CGT unions in the sectors have claimed. "Gordos", "Independientes" and "barrionuevismo". They avoided the need for a process of replacement of the authorities that was to take place next month

The conduct will continue, but conditioned by the "black horizon" that they see in the economy that includes, according to trade unionists, "recession and layoffs". For this reason, it was agreed to hold a Plenary Session of Secretaries General for on 22 August to establish a strategy of conduct and a programmatic agenda to be followed.

  Meeting of the CGT, this Thursday

Meeting of the CGT, this Thursday

An elegant way to involve and extend the game to this kind of council of notables to which, of course , will participate who developed the current CGT: Antonio Caló (UOM), Hugo Moyano (Truckers) and Luis Barrionuevo (Gastronómicos) to be the general secretaries of their respective guilds. There will also be Carlos West Ocampo (Health), Omar Viviani (Taxis) and Ricardo Pignaneli (SMATA) and many others who do not participate in the Board of Directors.

Although it was a smooth meeting, there was a minimal proposal from the Moyanist area: he argued that many of those who speak today of continuity were expressing themselves through the 39, exchange ; something that industrial guilds preach too. The strength of the strike of June 25, which has decompressed a very strong internal tension, was very heavy in the turnaround.

Overall, is this pattern sufficient to contain groups who are not members of the board and who are struggling to get in? We are talking about the 62 organizations, the MASA, the federal current and the third position, a group that composes the UOM, the SMATA, the pilots and the Railway Union, among others. Beyond the fact that the decision begins and ends with these 36 leaders who are the national secretariat, it is true that the external pressure had to be felt: they say that it was agreed to form "commissions" for listen and contain the Confederate unions but they do not participate in the decisions

"C' is a bucket of tears "He listened there, graficó another officer referring to the meeting of the Board of Directors: is that a lot of unions complained of layoffs, closures and leases.

  Sergio Romero, head of the UDA

Sergio Romero, head of the UDA

Sergio Romero, head of the UDA union, was the only leader who spoke to the press and argued that the Confederal Central Committee of August has not been suspended because "had never been summoned". He added that "the triumvirs will fulfill their 4-year term", that is to say until August 2020 . The teacher also ruled out that the decision leaves the CGT under internal tension.

  Meeting of the CGT

Meeting of the CGT.

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