The giant balloon of 'baby Trump & # 39; Leads Protests Against President's Visit to United Kingdom


Protests for the visit of US President Donald Trump continued this Friday in several major cities in the United Kingdom, catalyzed by explosive statements by the president to the newspaper The Sun ] in which he attacked the Prime Minister Theresa May noting that his plan for the exit of Britain from the European Union, known as the "Brexit could "kill" an American trade agreement

A huge Trump balloon, with a coat, went over Westminster, a central London neighborhood, where a huge ring was placed for security before tens of thousands of protesters gather to parade through the streets of the British capital

Activist Leo Murray raised $ 20,988 (£ 16,000) to pay for the "Trump Baby Project," an inflatable six-meter version of the presidency. with hands, very small feet and holding a phone, with which he wanted to symbolize the protest against the president's presence.

On Friday morning, the US President left Winfield House, the ambbadador's residence in London, where he spent the night, in a helicopter on the way to Sandhurst, to attend a military exhibition with his hostess May.

In the interview with the British tabloid released on Thursday, Trump states with reference to "Brexit": such an agreement we would deal with the European Union rather than with the United Kingdom, and that could probably kill the agreement. "

Trump regretted that May did not listen to his advice to be harder in negotiations with " I would have done it in a very different way I told Theresa May how to do it, but she did not agree, she did not listen to me, "said Trump.

This former Minister of Foreign Affairs , Boris Johnson, who left May's government for differences with the Brexit approach, would be "a great prime minister" of the United Kingdom.

"Did not your mother teach you anything?" "Behaving"

Such statements against the British government and its chief representative sparked a wave of reactions at all levels in the UK, where MPs from all political parties expressed outrage and showed their support to the Prime Minister. 19659002] One of the critics came in a tweet from the diplomat Simon Fraser, former British Foreign Secretary, in which he admitted that he was in agreement with this Trump visit, but that his humiliation and his condescending towards Theresa May is totally unacceptable.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Emily Thornberry said Trump's behavior towards his hostess was "extraordinarily rude."

"Did not your mother teach you anything? This is not a way to behave, "said opposition policy in the ITV Good Morning program, where he said May should" stand up to Trump "." He leaves the country by not doing it, "said Thornberry.] Also work Anna Turley noted that Trump" is a racist and has no respect "for the UK, and wonders why he and his Melania woman were allowed to meet this afternoon with Queen Elizabeth II, the highest diplomatic distinction

But not only criticism came from the liberal sector, conservative Sarah Wallaston called the interview of The Sun of "repulsive" and said that the president "is determined to insult the month of May." It's the price to pay for an agreement with the United States, "that's n ?? is not worth it, "concludes Wallaston.

" Where are your manners, Mr. President? ", said University Minister Sam Gyimah, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, tried to defuse the controversy noting that "the president really likes the prime minister and the r

Protests are also expected at Checkers, at Theresa May's farm, and in Scotland, where the American leader will arrive Friday night after tea with the Queen at Windsor Castle.

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