Unthinkable things in Street View: infidelities to …


Crossing virtually every city in the world is more than interesting and very easy to access with Google Street View, but it can also reveal great secrets and images that you would never have thought of see.

Photo: Catch

[19659004] Infidelities to a person showing the back to the camera of the Google car that travels the streets to capture the images. This is the last thing that surfers have discovered that has virtually crossed a Mexican street.

Specifically in Nogales, one of the most dangerous because it borders the United States, a user found an unusual picture on the map. A man had no better idea than to show his bare bad to Google's camera and the image was permeated on the web.

The image was already captured in May 2015, but it was only censored this Friday, after someone noticed and the image became viral.

Photo: Capture

But that's only one of the "crazy" things that can happen with Street View. Years ago, a Russian citizen was arrested with a young woman who was not his wife, near his home. The woman decided to travel practically in her neighborhood and after observing the image, the relationship ended, as reported by 20minutos.es

Also a satellite imagery of Google Maps became viral there are some time. At Fairfeld College, New Zealand, several giant phallic forms "adorned" the lawn. [19659004] After these high-profile cases, Google reported that if a person appearing in his pictures wants his face not to be seen, she can do it.

Photo: Capture

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