`The Big Bang of Alzheimer's: They Discover When This Disease Begins


Scientists from the Southwestern Medical Center of the University of Texas (United States) discovered the exact moment when Alzheimer's disease begins: when a healthy protein becomes toxic before forming deadly spirals in the brain.

A study published on July 10 in eLife magazine sheds new light on the transformations that tau molecules undergo before grouping together to form thrombi, a discovery cataloged as "alzhimer's Big Bang." "

. it was considered that these proteins could only cause damage by grouping them with similar proteins. However, these specialists have refuted this belief after extracting and isolating specimens from a human brain.

The researchers determined that these delicate particles create the thrombi that destroy neurons when they expose a portion that they normally folded inward and adhere to other tau proteins

. information creates new strategies for early detection based on treatments that stabilize these molecules before the patient suffers the devastating consequences of the disease.

Thus, the intention is to develop a clinical test capable of detecting a dangerous level of tau proteins in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, in addition to creating a compound that blocks its neurodegeneration as and when of their accumulation

(Source: Actualidad.RT)

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