They reveal that the ARA San Juan tried to communicate three times



A Naval NCO, who was serving in the communications department at the Naval Base of Mar del Plata when the ARA San Juan disappeared, revealed that on this day they received three attempts to communicate on the frequencies badigned to the submarine, which can be interpreted as possible frustrated messages of requests for help.

The testimony was given last Thursday by the first non-commissioned officer Rubén Darío Espínola in front of the members of the bicameral commission which investigates the disappearance of the submarine, remembering what happened on November 15 . Also exposed the director of Naval Intelligence, Rear Admiral Pedro Galardi, who confirmed that in the ARA San Juan traveled the main corporal Enrique Damián Castillo, which was part of the Naval Intelligence Zone.

Senior Master Espinola stated that unsuccessful attempts at communication were received at 2:18 pm on Wednesday, November 15, about three hours after the hydroacoustic anomaly was recorded in the Patrol Zone.

"I heard someone who was trying to transmit a message on the frequencies badigned to the submarine, I said verbally to the Submarine Force Communication Center and to the Puerto Belgrano base, since the link did not materialize, I did not write it.The book of the guards, I recorded it three days later, Saturday, November 18, when I joined the service, "said school teacher Espinola, who today serves in the destroyer ARA Sarandí.

At that time, he was supervisor of communications at the Mar del Plata station. "There was an attempt for each frequency [el submarino tenía tres asigna­das] It was very bad because there was a thunderstorm at that time in Mar del Plata," said the sailor, admitting, however that the frequencies may be interfered with.

"This information is of vital importance because if it was a signal from the ARA San Juan and the superiors of the non-commissioned officer Espínola ignored it, it would be necessary to investigate whether there was negligence in the relief hours, "warned Senator Magdalena. Odarda (Rio Negro), at the meeting of the bicameral commission, chaired by MP Guillermo Montenegro (Pro).

The NCO explained that it was not calls, but attempts to transmit data. "As an auxiliary station, we receive encrypted transmissions," said Espinola, recalling that there were three attempts to communicate in the space of five minutes.

"That day, our priority was the submarine," he added, noting that information had already been received indicating that the submarine had anomalies due to the entry of the submarine. Water in the tank.

Senator Odarda also warned that "if these attempts to communicate corresponded to ARA San Juan, the currently badigned search area may have to be modified, as it was established based on the hydroacoustic event recorded in the patrol area ". 19659013] (function (d, s, id) {
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