Marine officer believes the submarine wanted to communicate after exploding | Cuyo Newspaper


The Commission. The bicameral special investigation into the disappearance, search and rescue operations of the submarine ARA San Juan heard the testimony of a NCO.

The Bicameral Congress Commission investigating the tragic disappearance of the submarine ARA San Juan received a key statement to the Armed Forces.

It happens that the Naval Naval Officer Rubén Darío Espínola, communications specialist, provided by At this moment, on November 15, 2017, while he was on duty at the radio station of the naval base of Mar del Plata, he heard radio broadcasts of the missing submarine.

"I worked six years listening to submarines. the show that I thought was submarine, although I could not make a connection, "he said.

Unsuccessful attempts at communication were recorded at 14,18, almost four hours after the moment the submarine was suspected of 44 crew members had the explosion.

Espinola said that he did not register the contacts in the guard because he considered that it was not necessary, since then we knew nothing of the urgency that had the submarine.Septor Magdalena Odarda pointed out that 39, there may be sanctions.

According to the TN online site, on November 15, 2017, Espínola, communications supervisor at the base of Mar del Plata, heard on her radio three different frequencies that she the reason why he decided to contact his Puerto Belgrano counterpart, Valeria Carranza, who dismissed him ARA San Juan Three days later, and before the intense search of the submarine, Espinola asked his boss to write in the guard book, late, the three frequencies issued.

Data provided by Espinola would show that the ARA San Juan did not sink after the blast and could have traveled several kilometers adrift, and could be in another area. In other words, it would prove that the search area delineated by the Navy was wrong.

A Navy spokeswoman, who denounced the testimony of Espinola, said that "the crew never activated the equipment automatically. which prints the encrypted message. "Meanwhile, the director general of naval intelligence, Pedro Galardi, confirmed that there was an intelligence officer on board, but could not specify his duties. [19659010] Russia 2018

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