At an altitude of 10,000 meters, a pilot of Aerolíneas Argentinas "warned" of the lack of security on planes


The commander began his message by thanking pbadengers for "choosing to fly with a national airline that employs Argentine workers and meets all aviation safety standards." But then, the tone of criticism increased: "Today, we are concerned that the Ministry of Transport of the Nation promotes a commercial policy aero tending to have an increasingly deregulated aviation in the country , with less intervention from the control agencies, amending the regulations to allow less training for pilots, fewer maintenance checks, allowing at the same time an increasing internationalization of flights, thus affecting our work, with thousands of Argentine workers, as every day we ratify our commitment to continue to put the best of us to connect more and more to our country and to promote the development of our business with clear rules for all, in always maintaining the highest level of security in operations. "

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