YPF raised its prices for the third time in two weeks and accumulates 12% in July


July 15, 2018 – 00:00
The oil company's super-naphtha flag has risen 93 cents and has cost $ 31.93 since yesterday; while Infinia increased by $ 1.80 and stood at $ 37.79.

Naphtha rose for the third time so far this month and the super, the highest consumption, was $ 32 per liter at $ 31.93, an increase of 93 cents over at the previous price. The premium version of the petroleum company's naphtha, Infinia, rose $ 1.83 and was $ 37.79 or 5% higher.

Also diesel varieties have exploded: the Diesel 500, the economical version of diesel, has risen by 81 cents and costs since yesterday 27.78; while the Infinia diesel increased by $ 1.54 and reached $ 32.30

In this way, the premium versions of both fuels increased by 5% this week, and popular versions increased by 3%, which gives an average increase for this week of 4% which, if we add to the previous two increases – only July – an increase of 12%.

At the beginning of the year, the super naphtha cost Salta 24.90 pesos, more than 7 $ less; while Infinia went from $ 28.08 to $ 37.79, or $ 9.71 more. The Diesel 500 was paid in January at $ 21.86 a liter, while today it costs $ 27.78, and the Infinite Diesel has gone from $ 24.37 in January to $ 32.30 until now this year. However, after only two weeks of the middle of the year, fuels accumulate an average annual increase of 27.28%.

Transfer of Costs

The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Salta, Rubén Barrios, lamented this new increase in fuels and worried about the That this situation, which is repeated every month, has on consumers.

In dialogue with El Tribuno ] stated that "the greatest impact of repeated fuel increases is that whenever people reach less and have a great loss of purchasing power, then they have less to buy the things they need and must "

Barrios explained that, although it is not directly," the increase also affects the freight because the price increase products end up influencing the cost of the transfer service. 19659003] "The 2018 This is going to be a very difficult year and we are waiting for it to start slackening towards the end of the year, but in the middle we have to resist this terrible crisis and for that we manage permanently before the authorities mechanisms to promote the activity "

Finally, Barrios warned that" the payment chain is half-cut "and that" there are a lot of checks returned "

"It is very hard to resist if we do not have the tools to finance ourselves."

Nahuel Hyon, Speaker of the Pyme de Salta Chamber, declared that "we are not going to be able to afford it. "it is worrying that the rise in fuel prices, which since their liberation has been dollarized and has had a permanent impact on all prices,"

"In our province, fuel is paid more than in any other country. 39, others, which affects us all, and especially the transport companies of Sal ta, significantly. "Finally, Hyon said:" It is unfortunate that this happens to us as a province producing fuel. "

Oil continues to fall

It would be difficult to justify the third increase in naphtha in less than two weeks of the activity of the barrel of oil, which closed another week

The barrel of Brent del Mar del Norte, the benchmark for naphtha in Argentina, fell by 2.62% and that of WTI by 4.05%, for a second consecutive week of decline.


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