The Israeli army bombed Hamas positions in Gaza


The Israeli army on Saturday bombed the positions of the Islamist Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, including two tunnels, in response to the launch of at least 60 shells.
From Friday evening and during the early hours of Saturday the anti-aircraft alarms at Sdot HaNegev, Hof Ashkelon, Eshkol and Shaar HaNegev intermittently firing from the coastal enclave, "most mortars" , six of which were intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome missile system.
around 1:30 GMT, and after shooting 17 projectiles, the army reported the destruction of a tunnel in southern Gaza "in addition to several military positions, including a complex used to prepare incendiary terrorist attacks and a training facility. "
" The attack was perpetrated in response to the terrorist acts perpetrated during the violent riots that took place on Friday, along the security fence, in addition to the continuous incendiary attacks that daily damage the Israeli territory with the launching of balloons from the Strip, "he said.
Alarms rang out at Shaar HaNegev between 02:00 and 03:00 GMT by launching Another 14 Israeli missiles and planes bombed a second tunnel in the north of the enclave.
The military said that "the Hamas terrorist organization is responsible for all the events that occur in the Gaza Strip. and that they leave it and badume the consequences of the terror directed against Israeli civilians. "

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