Abortion: how votes progress in the Senate


On Tuesday, the 10th debate began on the legalization of abortion in the Senate. About 36 professionals from different fields such as law, medicine, psychology, among others, presented their arguments, for and against, before the Health Committees (Mario Fiad), Justice and Criminal Affairs (Pedro Guastavino) and constitutional affairs (Dalmacio Mera). The rendezvous was on the first floor of the Arturo Illia Hall, in the Legislative Palace.

The scenario is more sparse than in deputies: the Senate rules prevent the use of green facial tissues, which identify the national campaign Legal, Safe and Free Abortion and the Celestials, which promote the false "pro life" those who defend illegal abortion. There is also no room for demonstrations after listening to the speeches, be it applause or boos.


Some exhibitors are the same ones who pbad in front of the Chamber of Deputies, the case of urologist Fernando Secin, who repeated data misleading such as the legalization of abortion would mean a cost to retirees and would have even used the word "disappeared" in a democratic system.

For his part, the Argentine Catholic University, Hernán Munilla Lacasa, repeated an old speech: he questioned abortion in case of rape, a law that has governed the Penal Code since 1921. Lacasa became a senior partner in the law firm Roberto Durrieu, Undersecretary of Justice The dictatorial government of Videla from November 7, 1978 to March 31, 1981.

Among the professionals who spoke in favor of Pedro Cahn physician and director of Fundación Huésped, Martha Rosenberg physician and psychobadyst, also physician Patricia Rosemberg who recalled that the return of democracy has killed 3030 women by unsafe abortions lawyer Ricardo Gil Lavedra, historian Dora Barrancos, lawyer Carlucci Mendoza Aída Kemelmajer and lawyer Martín Farrell, who pointed out that " the moment of ex derive the enormous injustice of the Penal Code. The time has come to bring the penal code into the 21st century. "


Exhibition of Aída Kemelmajer in favor of the legalization of abortion.

Various investigations are carried out on the way in which the vote takes place According to page Activá Congreso there are 27 senators in favor, 30 against, 14 undecided and one abstention, while the group Feminist Economy has 27 senators in favor, 31 against, 13 undecided and one abstention, however, many senators say the vote is very tight, with 34 senators against and 33 in favor

The difference is around the radical senator ] Julio Martínez who appears as undecided on a list The only member who announced his abstention was Lucila Crexell of the popular movement of Neuquén, who had previously expressed her rejection of the project.Her housemate, Guillermo Pereyra one of the senators who proposed a project with modifications, is still on the list of undecided.

In dialogue with El Destape senator of PRO, Humberto Schiavoni indicated that "he is very even, since there are undecided ones who have not manifested his position". In this sense, he said that "it is not yet possible to make a prognosis," but revealed that many senators are changing their views.

About the first day of debate, he said: A lot of respect, with a lot of height. I was impressed by the exhibitions of Dr. Aída Kemelmajer and Gil Lavedra. "

The space to which Schiavoni belongs is one of the most detractors: only he and Gladys González have pleaded for it." Senators Ernesto Martínez and Laura Rodríguez Machado have still not confirmed their vote , while the other five in space have already rejected: Alfredo De Angeli, Esteban Bullrich, Federico Pinedo, Pedro Braillard Poccard and Marta Varela. "From the birth of the PRO, there was always freedom of conscience. We are respectful of what everyone thinks, we hope that it does not generate irreconcilable divisions, "added Schiavoni


Juan Carlos Cárdenas

To this badysis, we must add the role of the l 39; UCR, has only two lawmakers in favor (Pamela Verasay and Luis Naidenoff), five against (Silvia Elias De Perez, Silvia Giacoppo, Mario Fiad, Olga Brizuela and Doria De Cara and Julio Cobos), and a significant number of them. undecided: Juan Marino, Julio Martinez, Eduardo Costa, Maria Tapia and Ángel Rozas are the key to the definition of the result

Among the most populated blocks, the only one that fully supports the project is that of Frente Para la Victoria – PJ consists of nine members. "The Senators and Senators bloc of the FPV-PJ informs us that, in its entirety, it will vote in favor of the half-sanction of Deputies, responding to a request of the company that is mbadively expressed through the Communities ". They shared their representatives the day the lower house gave the project a half-sanction.

"It's very equal and difficult, the key for me is the mobilization, as it happened to the deputies, the groups have to move intensely". Marcelo Fuentes FPV-PJ bloc president, while he felt that there was no possibility to introduce changes.

"What is central is to understand, as is the case with equal marriage, that there is no progress in the rights that are the product of the debate, is a direct product of popular struggles, the debate on abortion was made public and became flesh, "said Senator de Neuquén.

Pedro Guastavino l to the Committee on Justice and Criminal Matters and justicialista senator, showed his optimism on the possibility that the project is approved: "There is a clear sense of parity and will be resolved the same night of the session on August 8 ". In this sense, in dialogue with this portal, he badyzed that today two clear positions prevail (approve the project without modifications or reject it completely), and revealed that his feeling is that "will be approved as he left the Chamber of Deputies"

The senator Justicialist welcomed the development of the first exhibitions: "They were really very enriching, there were solid positions. with great respect. "In addition, Guastavino stressed the importance of popular support:" During the conference will consolidate positions.I think the social group that supports the average sanction is very important and will generate Awareness on this subject. "

Justicialism is the space that has the most divisions. The recent cross between José Mayans and Miguel Pichetto is a reflection. Senators Inés Blas, Omar Perotti and José Alperovich are the three indecisive who can balance the scales. In favor were seven lawmakers: Jose Ojeda, Julio Catalan Magni, Miguel Pichetto, Pedro Guastavino, Beatriz Mirkin, Sigrid Kunath, Eduardo Aguilar. There are ten against: José Uñac, Rodolfo Urtubey, Cristina López Valverde, Dalmacio Mera, Carlos Menem, Carlos Caserio, María González, Camau Espínola, Guillermo Snopek and José Mayans. Pichetto, head of the block, is one of the biggest promoters of legalization.

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