Artists and intellectuals of Salta mobilized for legal, safe and free abortion | Society


  Lucrecia Martel in front of the demonstration of the artists (photo: networks)

Lucrecia Martel at the front and the demonstration of the artists (photo: redes)

Referents of the Argentine culture of the province of Salta They mobilized in this province and also in the city of Buenos Aires to support the bill on legal, safe and free abortion. The march, directed by the director Lucrecia Martel (La ciénaga, Zama) reached the provincial legislature.

Meanwhile, in Congress, hundreds of people have been called to support the measure and call on national legislators to adhere to the bill that already has a half-sanction of deputies.

"We have publicly decided to affirm the diversity of thought that has always been in our province and that unfortunately some part of our society, badociated with power, is determined to deny it," said Martel, who said was joined by other interprovincial artists

"Many of us felt uncomfortable with the totalizing words of the vice president, our governor, our own MPs, and we We are afraid that some senators, on August 8, will make the same mistake: not to represent the diversity that inhabits the territory we love, "said the filmmaker. 19659004] Also, among the adherents to the call were added the deans of the National University of Salta, Mariana Carrizo, Kike Teruel of Los Nocheros, Melania Perez, Bárbara Sarasola Day, Soledad Dhab, Daniela Seggiaro, Kuky Herran, Chacho Echeñique, Florencia Blanco and more than 700 personalities,

"What is the reality in Salta?", By Lucrecia Martel

In these July 2018, something of the same. extraordinary happened. People related to culture started a WhatsApp group to publicize our disagreement with what some officials have expressed. We wanted to take a picture of about 10 people, and publish it by declaring our support for the IVE law.
In Salta, the fear of being ridiculed or socially degraded has silenced many painful things for decades.
In a few days, the WhatsApp group was huge. And it continues to grow. Our phones do not stop. Whenever it sounds, a person, with his name and surname, asks to be made visible.
We have decided, publicly, to affirm the diversity of thought that has always existed in our province and that unfortunately a certain part of our society, badociated with power, is determined to deny it.
In this group, we do not all agree on everything. There are people who belong to political organizations with their views on certain issues, there are Catholics, agnostics, Jews, gays, bads, trans, transvestites, there are those who still think with what words they define themselves. he resists determinations, there are those who can not yet speak with this language. There are people of culture, science, the humanities, there are doctors, students, there is everything. It makes us extraordinarily strong.
We do not invoke an essence of Salta. This white colonial and Catholic fantasy could never be realized in a territory that today has 400 recognized indigenous communities, with more than 10 languages ​​and dialects, in addition to Castilian.
In a territory that goes from the Andean heights to the plains of Chaco, from the desert to the wetlands. Populated by people who do not limit their desire to a binary badual model, but do not fight it either. What thinks of feminine and masculine as cultural constructions on which we can always revisit and make changes. And that considers that the only tradition that must be maintained is that of permanent change, so as not to exclude anyone.
In this territory where we have marked the boundaries of our province, homogeneity has never existed. Neither equality, because there have always been more rights than others.
Many of us have felt uncomfortable with the utterances of the vice president, our governor, our own MPs, and we are concerned that some senators, on August 8, will make the same mistake: not to represent the diversity that inhabits this territory we love, this diversity that we love.
There are sad statistics that indicate that in this same territory, women, trans, transvestites, bads, girls, teenagers, natives, without pretending to name all the victims, are constantly in danger of being killed. abuse of power and even death. Underestimated, underestimated, underestimated, part of society that wants to be the sole reflection of our culture.
We believe that the debate on the legalization of abortion has opened a time to investigate more deeply what is happening in Salta.
When discussing whether a pregnant woman has the right to decide or not, when someone consistently opposes it, it is very difficult not to conclude that it There are organizations that are second-clbad citizens without full rights.
To defend the forced homogeneity, the so-called salinity, all kinds of sophisms were invented. Sophisms to hide a dogmatic thought, absolute values. To hide the diversity of reality requires a huge effort, often violent.
We are seeing growing intolerance and we are worried. We are tired of being insulted. We want to talk. Everyone in this group is ready to defend the rights of everyone to live according to their beliefs. We ask the same thing.
On Sunday, July 15, at 3 pm, in many cities across the country, we will celebrate diversity. We do not see any threat to that.
But we will also affirm that the legalization of abortion is essential to fight the death of pregnant women, to recognize the rights, historically violated.
We are here, we want to debate, but those who defend the underground reject the debate, they hide.
We want our public servants to represent us.
We invite the press to join the nosotraox, to speak, to allow us to make public all the things that we think in this province and to try to hide. "
Lucrecia Martel

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